G4lile0 / ESP32-WiFi-Hash-Monster

WiFi Hash Purple Monster, store EAPOL & PMKID packets in an SD CARD using a M5STACK / ESP32 device
MIT License
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ESP_ERROR_CHECK failed: esp_err_t 0x101 (ESP_ERR_NO_MEM) #56

Open grymoire opened 8 months ago

grymoire commented 8 months ago

I'm trying to port this to a LILYGO T-DISPLAY. I'm getting the above error using Arduino IDE 1.8.19. I've tried various options. Currently I have: PSRAM: Disabled Flash Size: 16M Partition Size: Minimium SPIFFS Arduino runes on Core 1

I'm printing out memory before the error and I get the following Heap Size: 209216 Free Heap: 80316 MinFreeHeap: 80180 MaxAllocHeap: 42996 PSRAM: 0

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. Any advice?