G4lile0 / ESP32-WiFi-Hash-Monster

WiFi Hash Purple Monster, store EAPOL & PMKID packets in an SD CARD using a M5STACK / ESP32 device
MIT License
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Non-empty .pcap files converted to empty .hccapx #6

Open scriptguru opened 4 years ago

scriptguru commented 4 years ago

I have many non-empty .pcap files created by the ESP32 WiFi Hash Monster, but most of them have been converted to empty .hccapx files. Also I've read that .hccapx is "specifically designed and used for hash type -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2".

However, as I understand, the Hash Monster also captures PMKID packets, which are hash type 16800 (see https://hashcat.net/forum/thread-7717.html for more details).

To me it looks like the tool that is recommended for .pcap conversion is simply ignoring everything that is not a traditional 4-way handshake.

Any thoughts how to extract PMKIDs from the .pcap files? I haven't searched for such a tool yet, but perhaps you know what tool to use already and just forgot to update the docs.

A side note - Pwnagotchi also stores .pcap files and as I understand it writes packets that contain PMKID to them

Looks like hcxpcaptool is the way to go. I'll test it on the .pcap files I have, and report the results here.

G4lile0 commented 4 years ago

Long time since I programmed it but I think that I store on the SD some non (PMKIDs / 4-way handshake) need it for the SSID or other stuff (You can check it, with wireshark).

For 4-way handshake I use cap2hccapx to convert from pcap to hccapx then I use hashcat to calculate the original key from the hash.

For PMKID, hcxpcaptool is the right tool, here you have a guide, hope it helps:
