G6EJD / ESP32-e-Paper-Weather-Display

An ESP32 and 2.9", 4.2" or 7.5" ePaper Display reads Weather Underground data via their API and then displays the weather
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Problem with contrast #238

Closed Stebe242 closed 5 months ago

Stebe242 commented 5 months ago

I have a pig problem with the contrast. Display 075BN-T7 V2 I use the e-Paper ESP32 Driver Board from Waveshare https://github.com/G6EJD/ESP32-e-Paper-Weather-Display/assets/122525247/71d7b886-a43a-46aa-bd05-e0891ce6f722

G6EJD commented 5 months ago

Assuming you have the correct pins connected for the Waveshare board with ESP32 and you are using the T7 driver object for GxEPD2 then everything is correct, if so, then most likely a faulty panel, it does happen!occasionslly.

Stebe242 commented 5 months ago

ok i will try another Display. Do you also plan a 7 color version? Or is it possible to use such a diplay?

And what is this doing at the end? Because I need the German version but there is everytime the Word "Clouds" in English How i execute this?

String Translate_EN_DE(String text) { if (text == "clear") return "klar"; if (text == "sunny") return "sonnig"; if (text == "mist") return "Nebel"; if (text == "fog") return "Nebel"; if (text == "rain") return "Regen"; if (text == "shower") return "Regenschauer"; if (text == "cloudy") return "wolkig"; if (text == "clouds") return "Wolken"; if (text == "drizzle") return "Nieselregen"; if (text == "snow") return "Schnee"; if (text == "thunderstorm") return "Gewitter"; if (text == "light") return "leichter"; if (text == "heavy") return "schwer"; if (text == "mostly cloudy") return "größtenteils bewölkt"; if (text == "overcast clouds") return "überwiegend bewölkt"; if (text == "scattered clouds") return "aufgelockerte Bewölkung"; if (text == "few clouds") return "ein paar Wolken"; if (text == "clear sky") return "klarer Himmel"; if (text == "broken clouds") return "aufgerissene Bewölkung"; if (text == "light rain") return "leichter Regen"; return text; }

G6EJD commented 5 months ago

The text comes from OpenWeatherMap so they must have an issue or are using a slightly different spelling. Easily fixed once you know what they sending. Maybe they have changed ‘clouds’ to ‘Clouds’

G6EJD commented 5 months ago

Colour version, no plans because it uses too much energy and takes too long to update. It’s easy to do just replace the display and use a new driver object for it and then change the colours in the code as required. Each time a display statement is issued it has a colour parameter all black and white at the present.

Stebe242 commented 5 months ago

Same Problem as first post with new Display and new Controller too light contrast

G6EJD commented 5 months ago

Have you tried the GxEPD2 gfx example in that library? Your dependency is the library author providing support for a display that has been updated.

Stebe242 commented 5 months ago

The Problem was the little switch
