G6EJD / ESP32-e-Paper-Weather-Display

An ESP32 and 2.9", 4.2" or 7.5" ePaper Display reads Weather Underground data via their API and then displays the weather
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Waveshare REV2.3 driver board won't refresh #257

Open Daniel-Busselot opened 1 month ago

Daniel-Busselot commented 1 month ago

I can't get my display to update with the new 2.3 driver board, I have PWR connected to 3.3V I'm using an ESP32 DEV board here's my pin out for the display

BUSY = 25; CS = 15; RST = 26; DC = 27; SCK = 13; MISO = 12; MOSI = 14;

G6EJD commented 1 month ago

So you defined the pins like this: static const uint8_t EPD_BUSY = 25; // to EPD BUSY static const uint8_t EPD_CS = 15; // to EPD CS static const uint8_t EPD_RST = 26; // to EPD RST static const uint8_t EPD_DC = 27; // to EPD DC static const uint8_t EPD_SCK = 13; // to EPD CLK static const uint8_t EPD_MISO = 12; // Master-In Slave-Out not used, as no data from display static const uint8_t EPD_MOSI = 14; // to EPD DIN

G6EJD commented 1 month ago

You really need to wire the connection back to defaults for the SPI bus

Daniel-Busselot commented 1 month ago

Correct, If i load an example code for the waver share display it works fine. Edit the pins to what the wave share code is using and the display doesn't update
I've got an ESP-Wroom-32

Does the code need to be updated for the newer display driver board?

G6EJD commented 1 month ago

Which driver is the Waveshare code example using? This code uses the GxEPD2 driver and what size screen are you using? Your screen type has to be supported by the EPD2 library as a display object, let me know the exact screen type you are using - link?

Daniel-Busselot commented 1 month ago

Here's the display i have https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805935116162.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.37c43432oQgkch&algo_pvid=51f4c525-c081-4268-9407-f2af2fb10b36&algo_exp_id=51f4c525-c081-4268-9407-f2af2fb10b36-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21183.99%21165.59%21%21%21183.99%21165.59%21%402101e5f117170365944496211e3c9f%2112000035848541796%21sea%21US%212343225675%21&curPageLogUid=C9HM2ddIGWqI&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A

my Example code is the GxEPD2 library Using display driver. GxEPD2_DRIVER_CLASS GxEPD2_1160_T91 960x680

G6EJD commented 1 month ago

The reason that display won’t work is the huge amount of RAM required to build the image and then to transfer it. it needs special techniques to get it displaying and the sheer size may preclude it working all-together. I’ll have a look at it today to see if there might be a solution.

G6EJD commented 1 month ago

Which example code are you using and have you enabled the half-buffer option in the GxEPD2 driver?

Daniel-Busselot commented 1 month ago

Here's the code i used


G6EJD commented 1 month ago

You need to be using the version BreadcrumbsESP32-e-Paper-Weather-Display/examples/Waveshare_9_7 /Waveshare_9_7.ino

Daniel-Busselot commented 1 month ago

Still can't get the display to update, I'm using Waveshare 9.7 Here's the code Waveshare_9_7.zip

G6EJD commented 3 weeks ago

I've now how chance to look through your code and cannot see any issues with it at all.

So are you saying it displays correctly with the GxEPD2 example for the 9.7" display?

If so, then the issue (assuming the pin connections are identical) must be in the screen initialisation, and so you should inspect the difference in the initialisation lines of my code verses those of GxEPD2.