@boz1 : We need to define the fields required in the basic profile credential
@jdsika : @afwalser those are the fileds the user declares with a "self attestation". As we talked on the phone this is the stuff you need to clearly identify a user as being part of a company as you need it for e.g. the ENVITED research cluster. What fields would you propose in combination with (multiple?) email addresses and e.g. the GitHub/GitLab account?
@boz1 : We need to define the fields required in the basic profile credential
@jdsika : @afwalser those are the fileds the user declares with a "self attestation". As we talked on the phone this is the stuff you need to clearly identify a user as being part of a company as you need it for e.g. the ENVITED research cluster. What fields would you propose in combination with (multiple?) email addresses and e.g. the GitHub/GitLab account?