GAIA-X4PLC-AAD / ontology-management-base

Our implementation for an open automated ontology management process for GAIA-X interoperable ecosystems. Please use a community agreed domain specific class or if not yet available please create a new class and submit it for review.
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ID-definition for 'domain-specific' claims #67

Open rcrswld opened 4 days ago

rcrswld commented 4 days ago

Domain-specific claims will be created mostly before the the gx-relevant claims will be defined. How do we create a unique id for the domain-specific claim which I can use for referencing to the gx-claims (data resource, etc.)?

Example: "@id": "",

Follow-up question: Do we use a did or regular url as id, s.: "@id": "",

rcrswld commented 4 days ago

ID of domain-specific claim must be equal to ID of according data resource.

Proposal for unique ID: identifierPrefix+UUID e.g.: "@id": ""

Therefore, first step would be ideally to create gaia-x claims with the claim compliance provider ( in order to have the correct ID which can be used for domain-specific claims.

Sample from claim compliance provider can be used as template and the actual attributes like name and description can then be added, when a service offerings has to defined.

@aparduzi , @jodemer , please check if this works for you.

robertschubert commented 4 days ago

also my proposal: create a template from the result from the claim-compliance-provider (or with placeholders for ID and other fields like name or description and others. Make sure the ID-relations are correct and link the proper objects. Then you can determine the ids, name, description, ... in your "claim-creator and replace the placeholders with the correct values.

robertschubert commented 4 days ago

I will put the source code of the claim compliance provider on GitHub next week. There are templates for the endpoint defined there, so you can take them as a starting point.

robertschubert commented 4 days ago

Follow-up question: Do we use a did or regular url as id, s.: "@id": "",

This can be an URL, a DID or any other unique identifier. As @rcrswld mentioned, a UUID should be used to ensure uniqueness. The ID is used in the federated catalogue to link objects in the graph db together.

If you use a DID you should ensure that this did is resolvable and has a DID-Document which is returned by a common did resolver (e.g. Same would be nice in case of https://* prefix in the ID. But both is not mandatory for the federated catalogue since the ID is only needed for linkage.

If you are not able to put the document into a CDN my suggestion is: do not use did. Use an URL having a prefix related to your company with a UUID (like the example in ccp , e.g.