Closed assembledStarDust closed 5 years ago
there is no support for that currently. I am not sure if it is needed functionality, leaving this open for group discussion.
Actually sails.js framework supports this search (even sort) functionality out of the box.
Maybe we should mention this in our swagger definition or other documentation, to make it part of the TAPICC standard.
for example this curl request
curl -X GET "http://localhost:1337/assets?sourceLanguage=en" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 111"
should filter all Assets where sourceLanguage is equal to "en".
Trying to achieve your example
curl -X GET "http://localhost:1337/tasks?type=translation&targetLanguage=fr-FR&populate=jobId,assetId" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 111"
this would return all Tasks where type is "translation" and targetLanguage is "fr-FR", it should also populate assetId, so that you can retrieve all jobIds, and then you can perform separate search on those jobIds.
After you know the list of Job IDs (let's say it's 3, 5, 7), you can make another request to retrieve them by IDs
curl -g 'http://localhost:1337/jobs/?where={%22id%22:[3,5,7]}' -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 111"
we will include information how to do this in prose deliverables.
Running the thought exercise of discovering a job and the tasks, to downloading a payload, it seems the process might be.
discover jobs.
GET /job
discover tasks of jobGET /job/{id}/task
download payload (as asset) as detailed in taskGET /asset/{parentid}/task/{id}/downloaddeliverable
In the discovery of objects, would there be benefit in allowing search parameters, to pull back only what is required.
An example search maybe return all /job with tasks of type "translation" with targetLanguage of "fr-FR".
Is this already detailed somewhere?