GAM-team / GAM

command line management for Google Workspace
Apache License 2.0
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Error 9 #1687

Open kristiankruse opened 2 months ago

kristiankruse commented 2 months ago

Full steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Entering install command: `bash <(curl -s -S -L'

Expected outcome (what are you trying to do?):

Actual outcome (what errors or bad behavior do you see instead?):

kristiankruse commented 2 months ago

Forgot to add, I'm running macOS 14.5 beta 3 and using iTerm2 with latest version of Homebrew.

fiveneins commented 2 months ago

Hi @kristiankruse, I ran into the same error as you. You probably already figured this out, but it's possible to pull the universal Mac release and install it manually, bypassing the script.

  1. uname -m && uname -s to confirm architecture and OS (in my case, output is "arm64 Darwin")
  2. Grab the asset that corresponds from the Releases page (in our cases, gam-6.58-macos-universal2.tar.xz). Grabbing the wrong file will eventually result in the error "cannot execute binary file."
  3. Did it download to Downloads? If so: tar -xvf ~/Downloads/gam-6.58-macos-universal2.tar.xz
    | $ tar -xvf ~/Downloads/gam-6.58-macos-universal2.tar.xz
    x gam/
    x gam/LICENSE
    x gam/gam
    x gam/roots.pem
    x gam/GamCommands.txt
  4. Move the directory and its contents to /usr/local/bin/ (appropriate for system-wide available scripts, not managed by system packages): sudo mv ~/Downloads/gam /usr/local/bin/
  5. Alias gam to run it as an executable in your shell profile file: echo $SHELL returns /bin/zsh for me, so I added this line under my other aliases in ~/.zshrc: alias gam='/usr/local/bin/gam/gam'
  6. Don't forget to source ~/.zshrc or exit and reopen your terminal
  7. gam -h should now show you that it's installed 🎉
    | $ gam -h
    GAM 6.58 - - pyinstaller
    Jay Lee <>
    Python 3.11.3 64-bit final
    google-api-python-client 2.86.0
    MacOS  14.5 arm64
    Path: /usr/local/bin/gam

Hope that gets you unblocked until the bug is addressed. Cheers.

kristiankruse commented 2 months ago

Amazing. Thank you. Had a few zsh and bin issues along the way but worked it out.

Thanks for your support