Closed LeM0-Dev closed 4 years ago
I am unable to run the script.
The error line: content = json.loads(response)
content = json.loads(response)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # g-portal logs downloader for scum servers # by import json import asyncio from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import cfscrape from configparser import RawConfigParser from datetime import datetime def log(text): print('[%s] %s' % (datetime.strftime(, '%H:%M:%S'), text)) def help(): print('\nPlease edit scumlogs.ini and include your g-portal credentials, use:') print(' user = gportal email or username') print(' password = gportal password') print(' serverid = gportal server id') print(' loc = com (for gportal international) or us (for gportal us)') print(' folder = blank for local or path folder to store your log files') print(' leave the rest of the parameters as is\n') def load_configini(): config = RawConfigParser() with open('scumlogs.ini', 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: config.read_file(f) global configini configini = dict(config['GPORTAL']) def save_configini(): parser = RawConfigParser() parser.add_section('GPORTAL') for key in configini.keys(): parser.set('GPORTAL', key, configini[key]) with open('scumlogs.ini', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: parser.write(f) async def read_logs(): values = ('user','password','serverid','loc','folder','admin_file','admin_line','chat_file','chat_line','kill_file','kill_line','login_file','login_line','violations_file','violations_line') print('scumlogs v1.0, scum server logs downloader from gportal\nby htttps://') try: load_configini() except: global configini configini = {} for value in values: if value not in configini: configini[value] = '' if configini['folder'] != '': if configini['folder'][-1:] != '/' and configini['folder'][-1:] != '\\': configini['folder'] = configini['folder'] + '/' save_configini() if configini['loc'] == 'com': loc = 'com' else: loc = 'us' URL_LOGIN = '{0}/auth/login?redirectAfterLogin=https://www.g-portal.{0}/es/'.format(configini['loc']) URL_LOGS = 'https://www.g-portal.{0}/server/scum/{1}/logs'.format(configini['loc'], configini['serverid']) headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)'} with cfscrape.create_scraper() as session: try: log('connecting g-portal...') payload = {'_method': 'POST', 'login': configini['user'], 'password': configini['password'], 'rememberme': '1'} raw_response =, headers=headers, data=payload) raw_response = session.get(URL_LOGS, headers=headers) response = raw_response.text html = BeautifulSoup(response, 'html.parser') select = html.find('div', {'class': 'wrapper logs'}) loglist = select['data-logs'] logs = json.loads(loglist) for i in range(len(logs)): getid = logs["file_" + str(i + 1)] id = (getid[int(getid.find('Logs')) + 5:]) type = id.split('_')[0] if configini[type + '_file'] != '': if id < configini[type + '_file']: continue payload = {'_method': 'POST', 'load': 'true', 'ExtConfig[config]': getid} raw_response =, headers=headers, data=payload) response = raw_response.text content = json.loads(response) lines = content["ExtConfig"]["content"].splitlines() filename = configini['folder'] + id file = open(filename, "a+", encoding='utf-8') found = False writing = False for line in lines: if id == configini[type + '_file'] and not found: if line == configini[type + '_line']: found = True continue else: file.write(line + '\n') writing = True if writing: if found: log('updating {}'.format(id)) else: log('creating {}'.format(id)) file.close() configini[type + '_file'] = id configini[type + '_line'] = lines[-1] save_configini() except: log('error connecting, check connectivity and scumlogs.ini') help() if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(read_logs()) loop.close()
I dummy had old version :)
I am unable to run the script.
The error line:
content = json.loads(response)