(CVPR 2022) ES6D: A Computation Efficient and Symmetry-Aware 6D Pose Regression
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YCB-Video dataset code #7

Open ldhai opened 2 years ago

ldhai commented 2 years ago

Hi, I wonder when the YCB-Video dataset will be supported.

GANWANSHUI commented 2 years ago

Hi, it may still take some time due to being occupied by other stuff. Hope that the posted GP of the YCB dataset helps your research.

sethzhao506 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I wonder if we have updates on YCB-Video dataset code release? Thank you so much!

GANWANSHUI commented 1 year ago

Hi, not yet. We will try to release the code within a week. Thank you for your attention!

mate-huaboy commented 1 year ago

Hi, I also wonder if we have updates on YCB-Video dataset code release? Thank you so much!

GANWANSHUI commented 1 year ago

Currently, the YCB dataset is not carefully supported. Find this extra repository to see the code related to YCB dataset. Hoping this is helpful for your research.

mate-huaboy commented 1 year ago

Currently, the YCB dataset is not carefully supported. Find this extra repository to see the code related to YCB dataset. Hoping this is helpful for your research.

感谢您的回复!我还有另外一个问题:我注意到文中使用了8块2080ti进行训练,我想知道在tless上的训练的显存要求大概是多大呢,因为目前我准备在一个显存大小约 12G 的3090上进行实验,不知道能不能满足要求。

GANWANSHUI commented 1 year ago


zixunh commented 1 year ago

Will you guys release YCB-Video dataset code recently?

GANWANSHUI commented 1 year ago

Currently, the YCB dataset is not carefully supported. Find this extra repository to see the code related to YCB dataset. Hoping this is helpful for your research.

Check this to find the code have a reference. The setting on YCB-video dataset is close to the Densefusion. Hope this help.

d-serafly commented 1 year ago


Currently, the YCB dataset is not carefully supported. Find this extra repository to see the code related to YCB dataset. Hoping this is helpful for your research.

Check this to find the code have a reference. The setting on YCB-video dataset is close to the Densefusion. Hope this help.

d-serafly commented 1 year ago


Currently, the YCB dataset is not carefully supported. Find this extra repository to see the code related to YCB dataset. Hoping this is helpful for your research.

Check this to find the code have a reference. The setting on YCB-video dataset is close to the Densefusion. Hope this help.
