GAT-Network / Chinese-Tutorial

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社区一小时 #8 #6

Open mntext opened 2 years ago

mntext commented 2 years ago

社区 AMA #8 / March 15

Wit: 大家好,我们聊聊好吗? 脸红

距离上一个社区时间已经过去了至少 2 周。 你可以想象其中的原因。 自二战以来,我们在欧洲发生了最大的战争,这也让我们感到意外。

我们的工作方式和最直接的计划都进行了一些调整。 你们中的一些人可能听说过我和罗曼有乌克兰血统。 不幸的是,我们在战区也有亲戚,并尽最大努力帮助他们撤离。 除此之外,我们还致力于帮助其他难民。 我们做的其中一件事是为难民提供我们的办公空间。 这意味着该团队已经在接下来的几周(几个月?)搬到了家庭办公室。

前端开发人员也面临一些挑战——我们计划在东欧加入其中的几个(我们知道)。 现在这有点挑战性,但我们正在努力。

这些是阻碍的事情,但我们会解决的。 工作仍在继续,我们一如既往地投入和雄心勃勃!

Johalex: 很遗憾发生了什么事。 但是人们非常值得感谢您的帮助

智慧: 我们无法选择周围发生的事情,但我们可以选择如何应对。 人应该永远是第一位的,在其他一切之前。

Johalex: 在上帝的帮助下,我希望一切都能尽快解决 祈祷


是的。 我希望世界局势能尽快解决。 至于我们自己,我们已经尽可能地适应了。 我们再次全力以赴。

Wit: 从好的方面来说,你们中的一些人可能已经听说了这个消息:

GAT Network 已加入 BNB 链孵化计划——更多联系、支持和指导即将到来! 派对脸

以下是一些关于此的一般信息: https ://

Johalex: 是的,这是一个很大的惊喜。 非常积极。 火

Fabrizio: 我是个问题……我看到了 GATe 持有者,只有 2 条“鲸鱼”。 其中之一是开发团队。 别人是谁?

Wit: 你能说得更具体点吗?

Fabrizio: 谁是地址 0xca71……。 这个地址是新的,有 300 wgat

Wit: 啊,是的,你听说币安实验室投资了 GAT Network 的股权和代币吗? 眨眼

法布里齐奥: 是的! 心

Roman: Binance Labs 是现在最大的鲸鱼 微笑

Wit: 所以……你不用担心那个钱包很长一段时间 眨眼

Johalex: Binance 绝对是我们可以信任的鲸鱼

Roman: 嗯,这些代币的归属有法律协议。 所以这里不需要信任 眨眼

Blee!: 这些硬币是新生成的硬币吗?

机智: 是的,这些是 GATe

Fabrizio: 还有…… OTC 的价格是多少?

机智: 不幸的是,这是 NDA 限制所涵盖的 see_no_evil

Fabrizio: 啊哈哈哈哈当然……我试过了

Johalex: 我之前说过......我喜欢正在发生的事情......在像 Binance 这样的合作伙伴的支持下,Gat Network 上的清理和重启我们的经济......太棒了! 没有比现在更好的时间在里面了

罗曼: 嗨,团队,

我这边的简短更新。 正如 Wit 上面解释的那样,铸造正在全速进行,但由于几个原因,主要与当前的全球形势有关,但并没有我们希望的那么快。

最重要的是,团队内部发生了一起小型 COVID 事件,现已解决,但对我们的进度产生了影响。


首先,Polygon 上存在部署问题。 我们需要重新部署我们的桥以支持 ERC1155 桥接(使铸造资产可桥接所需)。 这些合约需要在所有网络上同时部署。 不幸的是,Polygon 网络存在一个技术问题,我们试图与 Polygon 开发人员一起解决了将近 2 周。 现在我们有了一个解决方法,新的网桥已经部署完毕,应该很快就会上线。


我希望我们可以在接下来的两周内进行铸币的阶段测试。 但我怀疑这次我们能否按时发布它,直到 3 月底。 可能会延迟几周。

Wrydais: 希望你们都平安 祈祷

机智: 我们尽最大努力保证人们的安全👍🏼🙏🏼

随意问的问题 脸红

Abdurrahman: 第一个问题现在我打算发行一个 nft 收藏 有没有 mintedvodka nft 版本

Roman: 你的意思是在 mintedvodka 上铸造你的收藏?

Abdurrahman: 那我可以用薄荷伏特加把我的照片转换成 nft 吗?


Roman: 是的,就是上面所说的。 您正在寻找“铸币”

Abdurrahman: nft 印刷费是多少? 这个有一定的价格吗?

罗马: @ aurkan27 见这里。 我希望我们可以很快开始测试这个功能。 但它还需要几个星期才能上线

初始费用目前计划为零。 您只需为“分发”付费。 也就是说,如果您创建一个神秘盒子,例如,神秘盒子的销售会收取一定的费用,就像现在一样。

Abdurrahman: 明白 那么,现在有什么激励内容制作者的办法吗?

Pete: 除了零费用,还有最简单的多链 NFT 方法?


Roman: 嗯,与其他平台相比,纯数字艺术铸造具有多链优势。 你可以在所有支持的链上移动你的 NFT


Abdurrahman: 这是完美的

Wit: 在不久的将来,我们也可能会运行一些奖励,并在我们这边疯狂购物,以支持有才华的艺术家

Abdurrahman: 这就是我的问题的答案 你将如何评估质量?

机智: 直觉,没有别的 汗水微笑

Abdurrahman: 我觉得我很好 但我希望它符合你的标准。 我还没有社区

Johalex: 开放




火 火 火 火 火

你引起了我的注意 x10 机械臂

但我不会要求您提供有关它的更多信息。 我不想让竞争对手知道这件事。 火

我们和 Dixel 的 MV 有很多活动……非常有希望 拍

Abdurrahman: 所以我必须等待发布该系列吗?

Roman: 在MV上,是的。 还得再等几个星期

Abdurrahman: 我已经等了很长时间,我可以等到 我和 Gat 家族一起进步了很多。 我相信你, 我希望它需要比预期更长的时间。

另一个问题 您是否考虑更多地参与游戏?

Wit: 我们可能会开发更多的链上游戏,或者在其他链上推出现有的游戏。 但是,第一季度和第二季度都没有。 不过很快就会有更多的 Game Ace 卡带 脸红

wrydais: 何时将 GAT 移至 GATe?

Wit: 我们目前正在进入软启动模式。 如果您愿意,您已经可以获得 GATe。 其他链上也有少量流动性。 我们仍在进行流动性规划。 这也与潜在的 EVM 合作关系有关——一个复杂的话题。 从用户的角度来看,您根本不必担心 GAT=GATe,仅此而已

Abdurrahman: Game Ace 卡带也可以带有 p2earn 功能吗?

Mueng Josip: 目前 NFT 正在发展并成为区块链世界的新创新。 但是,许多艺术家/用户仍然不了解如何创建 NFT。 您是否有计划在非加密货币之外的项目中对 NFT 进行教育? 有哪些措施可以提高您的项目在非加密领域的知名度?

Wit: 我们非常渴望使我们的工具尽可能用户友好和直观。 我们确实希望能够轻松加入不熟悉 NFT 的艺术家。 此外,我们将把 NFT 带给独立游戏开发者:使用 Game Ace 技术的游戏开发者将能够在未来几个月内将他们的游戏铸造为 NFT。

Yield Radar: 我们已经将 MV 作为我们的市场


nft跨链的目的是什么? 未来会不会成为nft领域的基础设施? 它是否允许 nfts 在不同的链上相互交互?

Roman: 我们正试图将 MV 定位为 NFT 目的的中心、开放的去处。 灵活的 NFT 桥接是吸引创作者的杀手锏之一。 目的? 很简单:你可以在天然气成本几乎为零的链条上铸币。 您可以为创作者参与不同的 EVM 链级别的促销活动。 所有这些都没有被“绑定”到特定链的风险。

示例:您在 Callisto 上铸造并提供您所有的收藏。 不幸的是,无论出于何种原因,该连锁店在 2 年内变得不受欢迎。 您仍然可以轻松地将您的收藏转移到其他连锁店。

Pete: 好吧,看看现在的 Polygon,它是新的热点,它坚定地取代以太坊成为大多数人在铸造和销售 NFT 时选择的链。 如果未来有另一个人们更喜欢的新链会发生什么,如果 Polygon 链发生不好的事情并且它已经过时,你所有的 NFT 会成为遗产吗? 不,不是使用 Minted Vodka,您现在可以将您的 NFT 移动到您认为最适合您的任何一条链上。

Blee!: MV2 API 准备好了吗?

Roman: 我们有一个 API,但是还没有对端点的公开描述,因为它们在铸造之后可能仍然会发生一些变化。

一旦 API 稳定,我将确保发布适当的文档

Odah: 您能否简要解释一下每个 NFT 将如何通过您的项目从一个用户转移到另一个用户,以及用于确保保护用户的 NFT 不丢失的方法?

Roman: 有一个标准的传递函数。 所有支持 NFT 的钱包都可以进行这些转账。 您甚至不需要使用 MV 来执行此操作 您也可以在许多浏览器上手动执行此操作(例如 BSC 链上的 BSCscan)

NFT 不会“丢失”,因为它们在你钱包的链上。 资产将部署在分布式 IPFS 上

这意味着即使 MintedVodka 被烧毁并消失,您仍将拥有您的 NFT,并能够在用户之间转移它们或在其他平台上交易它们


伟大的! 谢谢顺便说一句:)

我的最后一个问题:NFT 的铸币在经济上是不可持续的,因为随着项目需求的减少,底价下降,这阻碍了此类 NFT 项目的进展。 你有什么解决方案来解决这个问题?

Roman: 嗯,实际上有几件事可以“解决”它。 首先,我们将瞄准利基市场。 我们将成为小型链的首选市场,吸引他们的社区在 MV 上使用、交易和创造资产。 异乎寻常的铸币选项也有同样的原因,例如“游戏铸币”,它在印地游戏开发商中拥有庞大的粉丝群,在其他任何地方都没有竞争

可索赔的 NFT 也是如此。 我们将针对在各自领域的社区合作伙伴。 并利用这种协同效应进行交叉营销,以便将他们的社区“拉入”我们的网络。

因此,利基市场(尽管其中一些根本不小)和有针对性的合作伙伴关系是现在的主要战略。 由于上述原因,将我们自己定位在现有 EVM 链的交界处会自动使 MV 更具吸引力。

Wit: NFT 是数字世界的未来——这才刚刚开始,我们正处于其中 脸红

计划在 2-3 周内发布另一项重大公告。 敬请关注 眨眼

Johalex: 我不了解有关 nft 的全部技术知识,但我的直觉告诉我你绝对是对的 祈祷

Abdurrahman: 感谢您的评论和关注。

机智: 喜悦 👍🏼🙌🏻

wrydais: 很棒的AMA,团队的技术能力给我留下了深刻的印象,在营销方面也有很好的想法

罗马: 祈祷 感谢大家的支持! +1

Johalex: AMA 肯定很丰富。 拍 拍 拍

奥达: 很有趣! 谢谢你花时间罗马和大家 举手 肌肉

Wit: 还有很多工作要做——我们会及时通知你们。 如果没有意想不到的挑战,让我们下周再重复一遍吧!

罗马: +1 每次都很开心! 回去工作! 书呆子脸

mntext commented 2 years ago

Community AMA #8 / March 15

Wit: Hello everyone, shall we have a little chat? 😊

It has been at least 2 weeks since the last community hour. You may imagine the reasons for it. We have the biggest war in Europe since WW2 and it took us by surprise, too.

There have been some adjustments in the way we work and also in the most immediate planning. Some of you may have heard that Roman and I have Ukrainian roots. Unfortunately we also have relatives in the war zone and do our best to help them evacuate. Apart from that we are engaged in helping other refugees. One of the things we did was to offer our office spaces to refugees. This means that the team has moved to home office for the next weeks (months?).

There are also some challenges regarding frontend developers — we have had plans to onboard several of them (that we know) in eastern Europe. That is a bit challenging right now, but we are working on it.

Those are things that get in the way, but we will manage. The work continues and we are as engaged and ambitious as ever!

Johalex: It’s a shame what’s happening. but people are worth a lot thanks for helping

Wit: we cannot choose what happens around us, but we can choose how we react to it. People should always come first, before everything else.

Johalex: with the help of God I hope that everything is resolved as soon as possible🙏


Yeah. I hope the situation in the world will resolve soon. As for ourselves, we have adapted as much as we can. And we continue our work full-steam again.

Wit: On the bright side, some of you may already have heard the news:

GAT Network has joined the BNB Chain Incubation program — more contacts, support and mentorship upcoming! 🥳

Here is some general info on that:

Johalex: yes this has been a big surprise. very positive.🔥

Fabrizio: I am a question… I saw GATe holder and there is only 2 “whales”. One of these are devteam. Who is other?

Wit: Can you be more specific?

Fabrizio: Who is the address 0xca71…. This address is new and have 300 wgat

Wit: ah yes, did you hear that Binance Labs has invested in equity and tokens of GAT Network ? 😉 …

Fabrizio: Yeah! ❤️

Roman: Binance Labs is the biggest whale now 😄

Wit: so… you don’t have to worry about that wallet for a looooong time 😉

Johalex: definitely Binance is a whale we can trust

Roman: Well, there is a legal agreement for vesting of those tokens. So trust is not needed here 😉

Blee!: Are thies coins from the new generated ones?

Wit: yes, these are GATe

Fabrizio: And … What was the otc price?

Wit: unfortunately that is covered by NDA restrictions 🙈

Fabrizio: Ahahahah sure… I Tried

Johalex: I said it before…I like what is happening…cleansing and a reboot of our economy on Gat Network, supported by partners like Binance…fantastic! there was never a better time to be inside

Roman: Hi team,

a short update from my side. The minting is progressing full-steam, but not as fast as we hoped for for several reasons, mainly related to the current global situation, as Wit explained above.

On top of that, there has been a small COVID incident within the team, which is now resolved, but had its toll on our progress.

From the technical side there were two roadblocks that we had to master:

First, there was a deployment issue on Polygon. We needed to re-deploy our bridge to support ERC1155 bridging (which is needed to make the minted assets bridgeable). Those contracts need to be deployed in tandem on all the networks. Unfortunately, there was a technical issue with the Polygon network that we tried to resolve with Polygon devs for almost 2 weeks. Now we have a workaround and the new bridge is deployed and should go live shortly.

Second, the issue with additional dev resources that were planned for minting modalities (especially the auctions part), which we are working on to resolve.

I expect that we can do stage testing of minting within the next 2 weeks. But I doubt that we will be on time this time to release it until the end of March. There might be a delay of few weeks.

Wrydais: Hope all of you are safe🙏

Wit: We do our best to keep people safe 👍🏼🙏🏼

Feel free to ask questions 😊

Abdurrahman: First problem now i am planning to issue an nft collection Is there a mintedvodka nft edition

Roman: You mean minting your collection on mintedvodka?

Abdurrahman: So can I convert my pictures to nft with minted vodka?


Roman: Yeah, that is what has been said above. You are looking for “minting”

Abdurrahman: How much is the nft printing fee? is there a certain price for this?

Roman: @aurkan27 see here. I expect that we can start testing this feature soon. But it needs a few more weeks to go live

The initial fee is planned to be zero for now. You only pay for “distribution”. That is, if you create a mystery box, for example, there is a fee from mystery box sales, just like it is right now.

Abdurrahman: Understood So, are there any incentives for content producers for now?

Pete: Besides zero fees, and the easiest way to have multi-chain NFTs?

Well there are lots of other features on the way….

Roman: Well, pure digital art minting as opposed to other platforms has the multi-chain benefit. That you can move your NFTs across all the supported chains

Other minting “modalities” are coming that have no competitor’s equivalent

Abdurrahman: This is perfect

Wit: in the near future, we may also run some rewards and do some shopping sprees on our end to support talented artists

Abdurrahman: This was the answer to my question How will you evaluate the quality?

Wit: gut feeling, nothing else 😅

Abdurrahman: i think i’m good But I hope it meets your criteria. I don’t have a community yet

Johalex: Open


For creators and inventors

no permissions


you have earned my attention x10 🦾

but I will not ask you for more information about it. I don’t want the competition to know about this.🔥

we have a lot of activity in MV with Dixel… very promising 👏

Abdurrahman: So do I have to wait to publish the collection?

Roman: on MV, yeah. Still have to wait a few more weeks

Abdurrahman: I’ve been waiting for a long time and I can wait I improved myself a lot with the Gat family. I believe you I hope it will take longer than expected.

another question Are you thinking of getting more into the game?

Wit: We may develop more on-chain games, or launch existing ones on other chains. However, not in Q1 nor Q2. There will be more Game Ace cartridges soon, though 😊

wrydais: When move GAT to GATe?

Wit: we are currently moving into a soft-launch mode. You can already get GATe, if you wish. There is also a minor liquidity on other chains. We are still in the process of liquidity planning. This is also related to potential EVM partnerships — a complex topic. From the user perspective you should not worry about it at all GAT=GATe, that is all

Abdurrahman: Can Game Ace cartridges also come with p2earn feature?

Mueng Josip: Currently NFT is developing and becoming a new innovation in the Blockchain world. However, many Artists/Users still don’t understand how to create NFT. Do you have plans to educate about NFT to your project outside of Non-Crypto? What are the measures to increase awareness of your project in non-crypto space?

Wit: We are very eager to make our tools as user-friendly and intuitive, as possible. We indeed hope to onboard artists that are not familiar with NFTs easily. Furthermore, we will bring NFTs to indie game developers: using Game Ace technology game developers will be able to mint their games as NFTs in the coming months.

Yield Radar: We already have MV as our market place

Yield Radar:

What is the purpose of nft cross chain? Will it become an infrastructure for nft field in the future? Does it allow nfts to interact with each other on different chain?

Roman: We are trying to position MV as central, open go-to place for NFT purposes. Flexible NFT bridging is one of the killer-features to attract creators. Purpose? Simple: you can mint on a chain where the gas cost is nearly zero. You can take part in different EVM-chain level promotions for creators. All this without the risk to be “bound” to that specific chain.

Example: you mint and offer all your collection on Callisto. Unfortunately that chain becomes unpopular for whatever reason in 2 years. You can still move your collection to other chain easily.

Pete: Well, look at Polygon right now, it’s the new hotness, firmly replacing Ethereum as the chain most people choose when they mint and sell NFTs. What happens if there’s another new chain in the future that people prefer, do all your NFTs become legacy if something bad happens to the Polygon chain and it falls out of fashion? No, not with Minted Vodka, you can move your NFTs now and for always onto whichever chain you feel is best for you.

Blee!: Are MV2 API ready?

Roman: We have an API, but there is no public description of the endpoints, yet, because they might still change a little after minting.

Once the API is stable, I will make sure to publish the apropriate documentation

Odah: Could you briefly explain how each NFT will be transferred from one user to another through your project, and methods used to ensure the protection of user’s NFTs from being lost?

Roman: There is a standard transfer function. All wallets supporting NFTs can do these transfers. You do not even need to use MV to do so You can do it on many explorers manually as well (such as BSCscan on BSc chain)

The NFTs cannot be “lost” as they are on chain in your wallet. the assets will be deployed on distributed IPFS

This means that even if MintedVodka burned and disappeared, you would still own your NFTs and be able to transfer them between users or trading them on other platforms


Great! thanks btw :)

My last question : The Minting of NFTs is not economically sustainable due to the fact that as the demand in the project decreases, the floor price decreases and this hinders the progress of such NFT project. What solution does your have to solve this problem?

Roman: Well, there are actually several things to “solve” it. First of all, we will be targeting niche markets. We will be the marketplace of choice for smaller chains, attracting their communities to use, trade and create assets on MV. Same reason for exotic minting options such as “game minting”, which has a huge fan base in indy game developers and has no competition anywhere else

Same for claimable NFTs. We will target partners with communities in their own field. And use that synergies for cross-marketing in order to “pull” their communities into our Network.

So niche markets (although some of them not so small at all) and targeted partnerships is the primary strategy now. Positioning ourselves at the junction of existing EVM chains automatically makes the MV more attractive for above mentioned reasons.

Wit: NFTs is the future of the digital world — this is just getting started and we are right in the middle of it 😊

In 2–3 weeks another major announcement is planned. Stay tuned 😉

Johalex: i dont understand the whole technical thing about nft but my intuition tells me you are definitely right🙏

Abdurrahman: Thanks for the comments and interest.

Wit: 😂👍🏼🙌🏻

wrydais: Great AMA, I am impressed by the technical ability of the team, also have a good idea in marketing

Roman: 🙏 thanks to everyone for your support! 👍

Johalex: an AMA certainly very meaty.👏👏👏

Odah: Very interesting! Thanks you for take time Roman and everyone🙌💪

Wit: There is a lot of work to be done — we will keep you guys updated. If there are no unexpected challenges, let us repeat this next week!

Roman: 👍 a pleasure every time! back to work! 🤓