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社区一小时 #6 #8

Open mntext opened 2 years ago

mntext commented 2 years ago

社区 AMA # 6,2 月 7 日

罗曼: 嗨,家人

Wit: 大家好,我们可以聊聊吗? 脸红

Roman: 我这边的简短更新。 过去 10 天的特点是准备在 上实时切换 V2,并将当前市场部署为切换后可访问的遗留系统。 一些事情已经完成,包括令牌包装器的移植和向所有页面添加元信息,以便 V2 中的共享链接包含所有重要信息。

在切换之前剩下的最后几步。 最重要的是移植桥接器,我目前正在做这件事。 我希望到本周末,一切都将准备好转换。 的停机时间可能很短 。 我们将确保在切换前至少 48 小时通知用户。

除此之外,我们还做了重要的工作,以允许在多开发环境中工作的方式组织我们的 DevOps。 我们的想法是在月底之前完成所需的基础设施,以便新开发人员加入这项工作的道路畅通无阻。

Wit: 我们还与新的潜在合作伙伴进行了许多对话(尤其是关于资金和 EVM 链)——这些事情需要时间。

关于 GATe:WGAT 现在已在所有资源管理器上重命名,现在称为“GATe”: https ://

这是同一份合同。 所以 GATe = 前 WGAT。 新的 MV2 交换也将反映此名称。 在接下来的几周内,我们将提出一项计划,将 DEX 上的流动性(至少部分)从 GAT 转换为 GATe。 没有什么是你应该做的。 GAT 和 GATe 将共存一段时间,您可以在未来几年将 GAT 换成 GATe。

提醒你:GAT 永远是 1:1 到 GATe 脸红

乔哈莱克斯: 你好

Wit: 团队还在讨论未来 MV 中 TOY NFT 的特殊用途。 这种头脑风暴还处于早期阶段,但是我们希望看到玩具以某种方式在 MV 中使用。

顺便说一句,您可以拥有 GATiger #1 和 #888。 看看

阿卜杜拉赫曼: 肌肉 肌肉 肌肉 期待新的交易


Wit: 我们还不能宣布更大的合作伙伴关系。 我们在这里有点依赖合作伙伴的营销过程。 在接下来的几周内你可能会看到一些东西 眨眼

Abdurrahman: 非常感谢,希望一切都会好起来

Wit: 顺便说一句,正如@romangat 所说,我们将切换到 MV2 界面作为 MV 的主要 UI。 当前的 MV 将可以访问(可能在 下)。 无论如何:如果您在 MV1 上有待处理的交易,您可能希望在不久的将来将其切换到 MV2(但您不必这样做!)。 👍🏼

Chen Yancy: 我们知道,bsc正在开发它的侧链,我们和他们有商业计划或关系吗?

Roman: 侧链处于早期阶段。 我们这边没有迫在眉睫的计划。 但是,如果它可以允许更快的确认时间和不那么拥挤的链,我们肯定会考虑切换到新的基础设施。 MV2 本身是从头开始构建的,具有多链支持。 所以在任何侧链上工作都没有问题。

对于我们未来部署在 BSC 上的游戏,拥有自定义侧链很可能是一个值得考虑的可能性。

机智: 侧链是链可扩展性的未来 眼睛 汗水微笑 👍🏼

Roman: BSC 上的 GAT 侧链怎么样 眨眼



Johalex: 我真的很喜欢听到关于面向新开发人员的 DevOps。 拍 拍 拍

Abdurrahman: 我还有一个问题 ,您是否正在考虑为团队招募新人?

Roman: 我们的目标是尽快加入更多的开发资源。 孵化期间没有时间准备一切。 计划是在 V2 部署后不久准备好基础设施,以便我们可以开始扩展团队。

Abdurrahman: 好事需要时间。 我们可以期待成功。 希望新开发者对我们好

Sandbox Nguyen: 作为一个多链市场,Mintedvodka 是否有计划在未来与 Solana 建立桥梁?

Wit: 所有的 EVM 链都在讨论中——我们正在与其中几个讨论合作伙伴关系。 因此,Solana 上的 EVM “侧链”也是 MV 的可能网络 :-)

Adam X: 比币安实验室还大?

让我猜一下:NFT-Game Project

我改变了主意:不是项目,而是 EVM 连锁店的 Grant,我猜是 polygan 或 Near

机智: 眼睛 🤷🏻‍♂️ 取决于你测量什么 喜悦 喜悦 走着瞧

Roman: 在营销方面,为了提高我们产品的使用率——我认为肯定是这样!

Johalex: 发生了一件非常奇怪的事情...... Twitter 上的一位用户呼吁注意卡片上的神秘符号,并表示他不同意它们存在。 我回答说我看到了Fud的意图。 并且团队与这些事情无关(我希望如此 汗水微笑 ) 但既然他的担心是有道理的。 该团队将在未来的 NFT 中考虑到这一点。


Roman: 是的——我们已经在内部讨论过了。 这些符号纯粹是装饰性的,并不意味着任何东西,但是我们正在考虑让模板不再使用。

机智: 我认为这是一个巨魔。 我们的游戏都是以“炼金术”为主题的。 用户可以在维基百科上查找 Alchemy 是什么。 对无害的装饰感到冒犯的用户可以玩口袋妖怪或其他东西。

阿卜杜拉赫曼: 我同意

Roman: 这就像在抱怨“战神”游戏中有恶魔般的角色。 您可以将其翻译到任何其他游戏。 玩具是炼金术主题的游戏资产。 那些包含炼金术相关的象征意义。

丹尼尔: 全视之眼? 它在加密货币中被使用了很多次。 我认为它越来越成为一个模因。 汗水微笑 你不能让它适合所有人。


哈——事实上,我才刚刚意识到,但它也出现在我正在使用的与 GAT 无关的加密 Discord 服务器的横幅上。

Johalex: 是的,无处不在

罗曼: 这可以被推到荒谬的地步


Wit: 我认为每个人都有权拥有中世纪的迷信,只是不要将它们强加于他人。

彼得: 直到现在我才注意到。

Johalex: 是的,我想只有整个社区才有权力要求改变

Wit: 这不是要冒犯任何人,对我们没有任何意义。 我们没有对使用的设计模板给予足够的重视。 从一开始就会避免这种情况。

这个话题太占篇幅了,说点别的吧 脸红

派克: 嗨,团队,我有几个问题:

1. 我们在哪里引进营销人员。 我也认为社区经理是必要的,因为有时小组会持续一两天。 我认为与社区的持续互动非常重要。

2. 有什么新游戏上线了吗?

3. 我们可以期待在不久的将来新的质押池吗? 这会影响潜在的交易者持有的意愿。

最后一个更像是一个声明,但正如许多人预测的那样,在近一两个月内会有巨大的竞争,我希望团队准备好通过新的 CEX 上市、合作伙伴等充分利用它

Roman: 游戏:在过去的社区时间里已经解决了这个问题。 在 MV 的全系列服务上线后,我们将专注于游戏,尤其是铸币部分。 MV 将成为吸引各个链社区的一种方式,这将有利于所有未来的游戏项目。

Wit: 关于 1.:是的,我们将尝试更多地让社区参与进来。 这是社区时间的主要原因之一。 作为一个雄心勃勃的小团队,在过去的几个月里,我们的资源一直专注于孵化和产品开发。 社区是 GAT 网络的核心——我们当然会努力!

Roman:质押:在 上将有一个质押池,它将从 上提供的所有服务中收取费用 ——质押者将直接参与该收入。

Staking 将在第一个铸币版本上线时启动

Wit: 还有关于游戏:我们应该在未来几个月内推出新的 GameAce 游戏。 除此之外,所有资源目前都在 MV2 开发中——这对社区和 GAT 价值增长具有最大的潜力。

附带说明:GameAce NFT 很快就会有更多的 GAT 质押。

Johalex: 因为有一个关于新游戏的问题。 我在炼金术玩具中看到了如此多的潜力,以至于我觉得应该尽一切努力将其最大化。 我只是一直认为炼金术玩具的经济动态是一件真正的艺术品。 我们的旗舰游戏有什么计划吗?

Wit: MV2中的部分费用计划持续流入Alchemy Game Treasure——这是我们让“P2E”的“E”(Earn)部分可持续发展的最佳想法。 如果我们能做到这一点,我们认为 Alchemy Arena 可能成为最长期可持续的链上游戏之一。 所以我会拿着我的旧玩具几年,以防万一 眨眼 因此,如果游戏宝库不断被填满,那么玩游戏总会有经济上的激励——让玩具更有价值(尤其是旧玩具)

Roman: 除此之外,抽屉里还有基于玩具的后续游戏。 但首先是MV!

Chen Yancy: 我想,当bsc是多链时,是否意味着bsc主网中的一些nft需要桥接到侧链?是否意味着mv2将在其中发挥作用?

Roman: 有一个可以部署的概念,我称之为“瓶子”。 您可以将任何东西装入可桥接容器中,该容器可以轻松桥接到任何其他受支持的链条上。 所以在这方面,我们绝对可以提供一些东西来简化这个过程。 默认情况下,在 MV 上铸造的所有内容都是可桥接的

Wit: 好的,伙计们,我们要回去工作了。 与社区聊天总是很愉快——让我们下周再说一遍!

mntext commented 2 years ago

Community AMA #6, Feb. 7th

Roman: Hi family

Wit: Hello everyone, shall we have a little chat ? 😊

Roman: a short update from my side. The past 10 days were marked by preparations to switch V2 on live and deploy the current marketplace as legacy system that will be accessible after the switch. Several things have been completed, including port of the token wrappers and adding meta information to all pages so that the shared links from V2 contain all the important information.

There are few last steps left before the switch. The most important one is porting the bridge, which I am currently working on. I hope that by the end of this week everything will be ready for the switch. There might be a short downtime on . We will make sure to inform the users at least 48 hours before the switch.

Apart of that, we did important work to organise our DevOps in a way that will allow working in a multi-dev environment. The idea is to complete the required infrastructure by the end of the month so that the road is clear for new developers to join the effort.

Wit: We are also conducting many conversations with new potential partners (especially regarding funding and EVM chains) — these things take time.

Regarding GATe: WGAT has been now renamed on all explorers and is now called “GATe”:

This is the same contract. So GATe = former WGAT. The new MV2 swap will reflect this name as well. In coming weeks we will present a plan to switch liquidity (at least partially) from GAT to GATe on the DEX. There is nothing you should be doing. GAT and GATe will co-exist some time and you can always swap GAT to GATe in the years to come.

to remind you: GAT is always 1:1 to GATe 😊

Johalex: Hello

Wit: The team is also brainstorming about special uses of TOY NFTs in the future of MV. This brainstorming is in early stages, however we would love to see TOYs used in MV in one way or another.

By the way, there is a GATiger #1 and #888 that you can have. Have a look at

Abdurrahman: 💪💪💪 looking forward to new deals

Could there be an announcement in the near future?

Wit: There is a bigger partnership that we cannot announce yet. We are depending a bit on the marketing process of the partner here. You may see something in the coming weeks 😉

Abdurrahman: Thank you very much I hope everything will be better

Wit: By the way, as @romangat said, we will be switching to MV2 interface as the principal UI of MV. The current MV will be accessible (probably under In any case: if you have a pending deal on MV1, you may want to switch it to MV2 in he near future (but you do not have to!). 👍🏼

Chen Yancy: As we know,bsc is developing its side chain.Do we have a business plan or relationship with them?

Roman: side chains are in early stages. There are no imminent plans on our side. However, if it is something that will allow faster confirmation times and less crowded chains, we will definitely consider switching things to the new infrastructure. MV2 itself is built from ground up with multi-chain support. So it will have no issues to work on any side chain.

For our future games deployed on BSC, having a custom side chain might very well be a possibility worth considering.

Wit: side chains is the future of chain scalability 👀😅👍🏼

Roman: how about a GAT sidechain on BSC 😉


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Johalex: I really like hearing about DevOps for new developers. 👏👏👏

Abdurrahman: I have one more question Are you considering recruiting new people to the team?

Roman: We are targeting to onboard additional dev resources as soo nas possible. There was no time to prepare everything during the incubation. The plan is to have the infrastructure ready shortly after V2 deployment so that we can start scaling the team.

Abdurrahman: Good things take time. We can expect success. Hope the new developers will be good to us

Sandbox Nguyen: As a multichain marketplace, will Mintedvodka have a plan to bridge to Solana in the future?

Wit: All EVM chains are on the table — we are discussing partnerships with several of them. So, EVM “side-chains” on Solana are also possible networks for MV :-)

Adam X: bigger than binance labs?

Let me have a guess: NFT-Game Project

I changed my mind: not a project, but EVM chains’ Grant, I guess polygan or Near

Wit: 👀🤷🏻‍♂️ Depends what you measure 😂😂 We’ll see

Roman: Marketing-wise and in order to boost usage of our products — definitely, i think!

Johalex: Something very strange happened… A user on Twitter called attention to the occult symbols on the cards, stating that he did not agree that they are there. I replied that I saw an intention of Fud. And that the team has nothing to do with those things (I hope so😅) But since his concern is plausible. The team will take that into account for future NFTs.

what do you have to say about that

Roman: Yes — we have discussed that internally already. The symbols are purely decorative, and are not meant to indicate anything, however we are considering retiring the template from future use.

Wit: I think it was a troll. Our games are all “alchemy”-themed. The users may look up what Alchemy is on wikipedia. Users that feel offended by harmless decoration can play Pokemon or something else instead.

Abdurrahman: I agree

Roman: It’s like complaining that “God of War” game has devil-looking characters in it. You can translate it to any other game. TOYS are alchemy-themed game assets. Those contain alchemy related symbolism.

Daniel: The all seeing eye? It’s been used so many times in crypto. I think it’s becoming more a meme. 😅 You can’t make it right for everyone.

It’s even on the currency of the USA…

Ha — indeed, I only just realised, but it’s also on the banner for a non-GAT related crypto Discord server that I’m on.

Johalex: yes, everywhere

Roman: This can be pushed ad-absurdum

I think such a complaint should be addressed, but respectfully ignored.

Wit: I think everybody has the right to have medieval superstitions, simply don’t impose them on others.

Peter: I didn’t even notice it before until right now.

Johalex: yes, I suppose that only the community in general would have the power to require a change

Wit: it was not meant to offend anyone and has no meaning to us. We didn’t pay enough attention to the design template that was used. Will avoid that from no on.

This topic requires too much space, let’s talk about something else 😊

Pike: Hi team I have few questions:

1. Where we at with bringing marketing person on board. I also think community manager would be necessary as sometimes group goes quite for a day or two. I think constant engagement with community is really important.

2. Any new games on horizon?

3. Can we expect new staking pools in near future. This would sway potential wanna be traders to just hold.

The last one is more of a statement but as many predict huge alt run in a near month or two I hope team is ready to take full advantage of it with new CEX listings, partnerships etc

Roman: Games: this was addressed in the past community hour. We will concentrate on games after the whole palette of services on MV is launched, especially the minting part. MV will be a way to attract communities from various chains, which will be beneficial for all future gaming projects.

Wit: Regarding 1.: yes we will try to engage the community more. This is one of the main reasons of the community hours. As a small ambitious team our resources have been focused on incubation and product development in the past months. Community is the centerpiece of GAT Network — and we will work on it, of course!

Roman: Staking: There will be a single staking pool on which will get the fees collected from all services offered on — The stakers will directly participate in that revenue.

Staking will be launched around the time when first version of minting goes live

Wit: Also regarding games: we should have new GameAce games in coming months. Apart from that all resources are currently in MV2 development — which has the biggest potential for the community and GAT value to grow.

Also a side note: there will be more GAT staking for GameAce NFTs soon.

Johalex: Since there is a question about the new games. I see so much potential in Alchemy toys that I have the impression that all efforts should be made to maximize it. I just keep thinking that the economic dynamics of Alchemy toys is a true work of art. Anything on plans for our flagship game?

Wit: Part of the fees in MV2 are planned to continuously flow into Alchemy Game Treasure — this is our best idea to make the “E” (Earn) part of “P2E” sustainable. If we can do that, we think Alchemy Arena could become one of the most long-term sustainable on-chain games out there. So I hold my old TOYs for a few years, just in case 😉 So if the game treasury is continuously filled, there is always an economic incentive to play — making TOYs more valuable (especially the old ones)

Roman: Apart of that, there are follow-up games in the drawer, based on TOYS. But MV first!

Chen Yancy: as i thinking, when bsc being a muti-chain,does it means that some nft in bsc mainnet need to bridge to side chain?does it means that mv2 will play a part in

Roman: There is a concept ready to be deployed which I call “bottles”. You could bottle anything into a bridgeable container, which can be easily bridged to any other supported chain. So in that regard, we could definitely offer something to make this process easier. Everything minted on MV will be bridgeable by default

Wit: Alright guys, we will be heading back to work. It’s always a pleasure to chat to the community — let us repeat next week!