GATB / DiscoSnp

DiscoSnp is designed for discovering all kinds of SNPs (not only isolated ones), as well as insertions and deletions, from raw set(s) of reads.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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compatibility with HiFi reads #20

Closed dabitz closed 2 years ago

dabitz commented 3 years ago

Hi Pierre,

Does discosnp works with PacBio HiFi (>99% accurate) reads?

Best, André

pierrepeterlongo commented 3 years ago

Hi André.

We have no feedback of using such sequencing data with discoSnp. However, the mapping step (reads on predicted variant sequences) authorizes only substitutions. Hence I expect bias in term of quantification.

Have you tried this?

dabitz commented 3 years ago

Not yet. Would it be possible to set up the mapping strategy with minimap within discosnp script? If the coverage is high enough and the mapping step is stringent enough I would expect discosnp to work, right?

pierrepeterlongo commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to set up the mapping strategy with minimap within discosnp script?

No I don't think so. Mainly for two reasons:

However this would be highly interesting to make a try to parse minimap outputs to retrieve this precision between each pair of sequences.

Any input is warmly welcome