GATB / gatb-core

Core library of the Genome Analysis Toolbox with de-Bruijn graph
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close some output information #14

Closed yuansliu closed 5 years ago

yuansliu commented 7 years ago


Is there any method to close some output? For example, when I build a graph, many output ...

[DSK: Collecting stats on ill-test-5K-...] 0 % elapsed: 0 min 0 sec remaining:... [DSK: Pass 1/1, Step 2: counting kmers ] 51.5 % elapsed: 0 min 2 sec remaining:... [DSK: nb solid kmers found : 496 ] 51.5 % elapsed: 0 min 2 sec remaining:... [MPHF: populate ] 100 % elapsed: 0 min 0 sec remaining:... [Bloom: read solid kmers ] 0 % elapsed: 0 min 0 sec remaining:... [Debloom: build extension ] 100 % elapsed: 0 min 0 sec remaining:... [Debloom: finalization ] 0 % elapsed: 0 min 0 sec remaining:...

I fail to close the listener. So, I want to ask for help. What should I do to close the output.

Thank you very much.

rchikhi commented 7 years ago

try adding -verbose 0 in the Graph::create argument, e.g. Graph::create (new BankStrings ("AATGC", NULL), "-kmer-size 4 -abundance-min 1 -verbose 0");

rchikhi commented 5 years ago

closing because of inactivity