GBIF-Europe / RegionalWorkProgramme

Aims to capture European and Central Asian Nodes strategies and work programmes.
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Biodiversa+ call opportunities #1

Open nielsraes opened 2 years ago

nielsraes commented 2 years ago

Same as the Slack message: Dear ECA nodes, the Biodiversa+ call was launched and is open for the submission of preproposals until November 30th. I briefly discussed matters with Dag and we might see opportunities for the further implementation of the BIREME project I would be happy to hear your opinions on this idea, or maybe other topics?

dagendresen commented 2 years ago

The Nordic Genetic Resources Center (Nordgen) -- as is also an ECA node -- expressed interest in a Biodiversa+ project proposal with a proposal-focus on Crop Wild Relatives. GBIF-Norway would also be very interested in such a topic. Maybe an interesting use case topic for other ECA nodes? However, we would need to identify a volunteer node to coordinate and lead the development of such a Biodiversa+ proposal!

Update 2021-11-12: NordGen has today decided to not pursue this Biodiversa+ call. But related groups in Finland and Iceland plan to do so.

ptyk commented 2 years ago

Hello, In 2022 Polish partners of KSIB network will approach the next Biodiversa call. The topic is not yet selected, altough we would like to find a possibility to include our collections. External partners will also be needed so I think there will be chances for cooperation.

dagendresen commented 1 year ago

For those of you who are going to Meise, Quentin Groom has arranged a room in Meise for us to discuss the Biodiversa+ opportunities. We plan to come together from 15.00-16.00 today Wednesday 2022-10-05.

dagendresen commented 1 year ago

Biodiversa+ proposal idea (emerging during GB29)

Deadline for pre-proposals submission (mandatory): Wednesday 09 November 2022, 15:00 CET (local time in Brussels)

Biodiversa+ call

List of the participating countries (and funding regulations by country)

Country Scientific use case Data management & publication
Lead Birgit Gemeinholzer, SC chair (TBC) Lead: please volunteer!!
... please identify researchers in your node community!! ... please add your node
Germany Birgit Gemeinholzer, Universität Kassel
France GBIF France
(Luxembourg) GBIF Luxembourg
Netherlands Naturalis NLBIF
Norway To be confirmed Quentin Mauvisseau, Hugo de Boer, UiO NHMO GBIF Norway
Poland Univ Warsaw GBIF Poland
Spain GBIF Spain
Sweden SBDI (Maria Prager?) GBIF Sweden
(Tajikistan) GBIF Tajikistan
bioRI ELIXIR (TBC, to be contacted)
bioRI LifeWatch ERIC

(1) Develop a scientific use case for metabarcoding monitoring.

(2) Implement the GBIF DNA-derived data publishing guidelines ( across nodes to deliver data streams to the metabarcoding science use case.

(3) Implement links with ELIXIR for implementing DNA sequence data streams

DNA sequence to be deposited in ENA? Linked to GBIF-mobilised collection datasets through materialSampleID (and the proposed parentMaterialSampleID)

Call for ELIXIR proposal partners and contact points, and build node network contacts!!

(4) Data validation and data cleaning for DNA sequence data

Regular update of metabarcoding species identification alignment against constant improving reference barcode libraries.

Validation of species assertion against species occurrence observation data in GBIF.

vajohansson commented 1 year ago

Sounds great Dag. Sweden would be interested to participate.

samariddinbarotov commented 1 year ago

Great 👍 for Tajikistan is also interesting we are doing DNA sequence in our lab. We are ready for participate 😀

mnhn-paul commented 1 year ago

I see that Luxembourg does not figure among participating countries of Biodiversa+, rest assured that I however do support your initiative. I'll try to help out with where I can and I'm sure any results will be of use for our national GBIF activities.

nielsraes commented 1 year ago

In line with the barcoding ideas it is important that we align with the Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) project that has just started and is a very large HE project aiming to bring the European barcode and full genome communities together. BGE will also establish an European BOLD mirror which should be up and running next year.

dagendresen commented 1 year ago

@samariddinbarotov and all, note the list of countries participating in the Biodiversa+ call and that the funding for each of our participation will ultimately be from national funding.

samariddinbarotov commented 1 year ago

@dagendresen it means I need to find same national funding for participation?

dagendresen commented 1 year ago

@samariddinbarotov I do not know the details, but I notice that the participation from GBIF Norway if the proposal is successful will be funded by the Research Council of Norway. And the Biodiversa+ is a partnership between participating countries - note including also some countries outside of Europe.

nielsraes commented 1 year ago

Only persons from countries that have committed to this Biodiversa+ round can receive funding. Each country has its own rules, see the 'Funding Organisation Rules' document on In-kind contributions are not a problem I suppose?

dagendresen commented 1 year ago

Do we want to meet on Zoom to discuss opportunities with this Biodiversa+ call? On Tuesday 2022-10-11 at 14:00 CEST?

Calendar entry sent to the mailing list. Let us know if you did not receive the link and want to join.

I have created a Google Drive folder (linked in the ECA nodes email) for the Biodiversa+ proposal. Please request share access to be added as an editor to the GDrive folder.

dagendresen commented 1 year ago

Call to all: feel free to add other Biodiversa+ project proposals with interest from the project teams to connect with ECA-nodes -- here, or in new issue threads!

GBIF Sweden is reporting on our mailing list today interest from SLU Umeå to connect with ECA nodes for another Biodiversa+ proposal under development.

I also have an expression of interest from the mycology curator in Oslo to be a partner in relevant Biodiversa+ proposals under development (in the topic of fungarium collection management).

dagendresen commented 1 year ago

Draft proposal ideas here

Please request share request for write access!

dagendresen commented 1 year ago

Follow-up 2nd Zoom call in one week on Tuesday 18th October at 14:00 CEST. Feel free to join if your node is interested to participate!! Feel free to add your contributions to the Gdrive documents.