GBKS / bitcoin-wallet-ui-kit

A design system and UI kit for Bitcoin wallet applications.
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Refresh the screens on the website with the latest designs #23

Open GBKS opened 1 year ago

GBKS commented 1 year ago

They are pretty outdated at the moment. Let's do a re-export.

GBKS commented 1 year ago

I started this on Friday with the recovery phrase user flow and will try to tackle one flow per day over the next two weeks.


I'm updating the checkboxes above as I go.

Things to look for:

I also want to gather idea for further componentization - of screens. Currently, screens are not components. But, there are 5+ variations of the home screen spread throughout the document and keeping them in sync is a bit of a pain. This does not apply to all screens, just a few of them that have a lot of different states. Turning those into components with different content configurations might make sense.

Another thing I've been considering is a custom UI Kit plug-in with unique functionality. It could pull in the light/dark mode toggle, the custom export helper I already created, a helper for automatically detecting missing text styles and variables and applying them, a design guide viewer that pulls up relevant pages when you select screens, etc. I might try to create a proof-of-concept as I go through this process. Here is a loose first mock-up.
