GBKS / bitcoin-wallet-ui-kit

A design system and UI kit for Bitcoin wallet applications.
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Explore Penpot support #27

Open GBKS opened 1 year ago

GBKS commented 1 year ago

Figma is a great tool and has been an amazing platform for the UI Kit, but also has some shortcomings for open-source collaboration. Penpot is an open-source alternative that we could also use. Whether this would be as an additional publishing platform or as our primary one is to be explored. Edi, Chris, and I discussed that we'd like to investigate this further to see what's possible. We'll each do a bit of our own evaluation and then meet up at some point for a hands-on session.

GBKS commented 11 months ago

The Human Rights Foundation (HRF) posted a bounty yesterday for this effort. Thank you so much to that team for helping push things forward. Everyone is welcome to join and make it happen.

A few people gathered in the Bitcoin Design Discord right away to discuss how to go about this. We just had a kick-off call to get a lay of the land. I recommend watching it to get an intro to the UI Kit, differences between Penpot and Figma, and what potentially needs to be done.

Overall, everyone's excited to get going. Because Penpot is so different from Figma, we still have a lot of investigation to do before we start working towards a "final deliverable". Just doing a simple file conversion is not realistic (Edi already tested this), so we need to dig a bit deeper. We'll schedule another call for next week, where we take a closer, more hands-on look. From there, we can ideally identify tasks and put together a project board.

Thanks for everyone's enthusiasm on this, it's super cool to see. We'll keep the discussion going in the Bitcoin Design Discord, in the #bitcoin-ui-kit-and-icons channel.

@editwentyone created a Penpot team we can use to collaborate. It's set to be public, but you still need to log in. We'll refine this as we go along. To join, message edi21 in Discord in the channel mentioned above. Here's the team.

I added a link to the landing page for this issue right here. We'll use it to track all relevant links and updates.

GBKS commented 11 months ago

I set up a Penpot milestone to track this effort.

GBKS commented 11 months ago

We just had a second call. Recordings are up on BitcoinTV and YouTube, and notes are here (scroll down a little).

GBKS commented 10 months ago

And we had our third call this morning. Recordings are on BitcoinTV and YouTube.

Many components are now set up, and we can start looking into screen and user flow mock-ups. We discussed the need for exploring shared libraries and workflows around them, as well as tighter project management moving forward so it's easier to contribute. We'll also contact the Penpot team about expected release dates for Components V2, to help us decide how we want to set things up right now to avoid big upgrade cycles.

GBKS commented 10 months ago

Alright, the bounty has been awarded. There were several submissions, and now the ongoing Penpot effort is a bit up in the air. I proposed a way to move forward in Discord, as follows:

At some point, Penpot can be our primary source of truth for the UI Kit, but we are not there yet. Until that point, let’s have two Penpot versions.

The bounty produced Figma file clones that are great for anyone who wants to use the UI Kit in Penpot right now and at least for the near future. Having multiple Penpot files to choose from gives designers the option to choose the one that best fits their workflow. I would not expect these to be 100% in sync with the Figma file, but anyone can chip in to their maintenance as they prefer (like other other sister libraries).

Second, let’s have another Penpot file that is about staying up-to-date with Penpot feature releases and allowing us to experiment. This file would only include the basic components and 10-20 representative screens. Much of the Figma file maintenance is on the ~300 screen mock-ups and porting those across feature releases can be painful. If we limit this future-oriented Penpot version to 10-20 representative screens, we can be much more agile and really dig into what Penpot can do for us (shared libraries, components V2, grid, custom API-based tools, etc). Ideally, a point will come at which this version eclipses the Figma version and we will be super excited about switching to it as the new source of truth.

There were lots of positive emoji responses to it, and one comment, in favor of this route. So I prepped a website update with this PR.

So we still need to re-structure the "Future Penpot" version and our effort around it, and get back some momentum.