GC-spigot / AdvancedEnchantments

Superior Custom Enchantments Creator for Minecraft And Spigot platform
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replant enchant deducts from my inventory when I harvest, but doesn’t replant. #4314

Closed sennby closed 1 month ago

sennby commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

My hoe with replant deducts carrots from my inventory when I harvest, but doesn’t replant.

How to reproduce

My hoe with replant deducts carrots from my inventory when I harvest, but doesn’t replant.

Screenshots / Videos

No response

"/ae plinfo" link


Server Log

No response

ArmonicPvP commented 1 month ago

post your enchantments.yml

sennby commented 1 month ago


sennby commented 1 month ago

This is the report on my forums:

Date and Time of Occurrence:


Description of the Bug:

I have a netherite hoe with effficiency V, fortune II, unbreaking III, replanter I, telepathy IV, planter III

When I harvest fully grown carrots with this hoe by right clicking the harvest does not happen. When I harvest fully grown carrots with the hoe by left clicking, the harvest happens, the carrots get transferred to my inventory, but then a carrot is deducted. Every once in a while a carrot is replanted, but rarely.

Steps to Reproduce:

List the exact steps you took that led to the bug. This will help us replicate and investigate the problem.

Use hoe described above to harvest fully grown carrots.


Specify where the bug occurred, such as the server name or specific location in the game world.

Survival, on my claim at 5928, 70, 5586

Screenshots or Video (if applicable):

Impact on Gameplay:

Replant doesn't replant, and I'm still losing carrots from my inventory.

Frequency of Occurrence:

In a row of carrots, maybe 1 or 2 will be successfully replanted. This bug happens all the time.

Device and Minecraft Version:

Minecraft Java 1.20.4

Additional Information:

ThomasWega commented 1 month ago

Very possibly could be AureliumSkills. I've just tried and worked completely fine. If you found out it's AureliumSkills, feel free to create new issue with more info (update them first :))

sennby commented 4 weeks ago

Wrong thread