GC-spigot / AdvancedSets

Most customisable Armor Sets plugin on Minecraft
3 stars 1 forks source link

Guide on opening issue/feature request tickets #1

Open GC-spigot opened 6 years ago

GC-spigot commented 6 years ago

When opening an issue ticket, follow this guide:

  • Include a brief problem explanation Explain issues you're experiencing, type of issue (configuration, plugin, in-game problem), and how can this issue be reproduced.
  • Screenshots/Videos showcasing the problem Upload showcase videos on a proper video platform/screenshots as well.
  • Errors from in-game or console, use "Insert Code" function to properly format issues

Please notice that issue you're informing on may already been reported. Try to not duplicate issues you're having.

Name your issue the most explanatory, yet understandable and short way for quick run-down of new issues for new-comers.

If posting a feature request, this guide shall be followed:

  • Name your request
  • Brief request explanation

To be sure your request is accepted, you may include arguments on how will this affect the usage of plugin widely.

Do not post requests that may only benefit you and no on else (meaning: do not ask for very specific features, i.e. "player gets thrown in the air once breaking blocks underwater and less than half health, no air is left". Most of these specific requests could be done with rundown of combining multiple effects/conditions in one enchantment)