GC-spigot / battle-pass

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Kill Aura completes quests over and over again #380

Open iFranticman opened 1 year ago

iFranticman commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

When a user is using their sword and they have kill aurora from advanced enchantments plugins They get rewarded many times for the quests

How to reproduce

When a user is using their sword and they have kill aurora from advanced enchantments plugins They get rewarded many times for the quests Have the sword in hand when you are about to do the quest and player can kill mobs in mass amounts to complete quests

Screenshots / Videos

1: type: kill-mob variable: none name: 'Daily - Pure Killer' required-progress: 20 points: 50 item: material: zombie_spawn_egg name: '&a&lQUEST: &fPure Killer' lore:

'&8 » &7To complete this quest, you must' '&8 » &7murder 20 mobs of any kind.' '' '&a&lINFORMATION' '&8 » &7Points: &f50x' '&8 » &7Battlepass: &fFree' '&8 » &7Progress: &a%total_progress%&8/&c%required_progress%'

Server Log

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WhatsTheBadNews commented 1 year ago

We have a similar issues with kill-mob quest, we are also using advanced enchantment.
