GCBallesteros / NotebookNavigator.nvim

A neovim plugin to navigate and execute code cells
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Ingore blank lines #54

Open Karthik-Dulam opened 4 days ago

Karthik-Dulam commented 4 days ago

I'm using iron.nvim as my repl and I have configured it to ignore blank lines, it works if I use iron.nvim's api visual_send but not with the run_cell from NotebookNavigator.nvim's run_cell. Below is the same code run using both apis in the repl.

# %%
def foo():


# %%

In Ipython

In [1]: print ("With Iron.nvim visual send")
With Iron.nvim visual send

In [2]: def foo():
   ...:     print("Bar")
   ...:     print("Zoinks!")
   ...:     return

In [3]: print ("With NotebookNaviagtor.nvim run_cell")
With NotebookNaviagtor.nvim run_cell

In [4]: def foo():
   ...:     print("Bar")

In [5]:     print("Zoinks!")

In [6]:     return
  File "<ipython-input-6-9b32c1431b19>", line 1
SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
Karthik-Dulam commented 4 days ago

I should also note that I have passed --no-autoindent to ipython in iron.nvim config.