GCTC-NTGC / design-gc-digital-talent

GC Digital Talent design issues
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Email notification - 24 hours left to apply #40

Closed gobyrne closed 7 months ago

gobyrne commented 11 months ago

User Story

As an applicant, I want to be reminded that a job opportunity is closing, so I don't miss the deadline unintentionally.


The intent is to create a first email notification that let's people know to finish applications that they've started 24 hours before a job opportunity closes. Next step is to draft the email template. Then we can look at implementing.

Trigger: 24 hours before job opportunity closes

Condition: User has started, but not yet submitted an application (status == draft) for the opportunity that is closing.

Email copy

@marc-donofrio to-do. Feel free to use pseudocode to include data elements your email template. For example <user name> or <closing date-time>.

Source email address: (what is our email?)

Email subject:

Email body:

marc-donofrio commented 10 months ago

Email: no-reply@talent.canada.com Subject: Reminder: GC Digital Talent opportunity: {{opportunity.title}}

Hi {{user.name}},

The deadline for the opportunity #{{opportunity.id}} is fast approaching! Your submission is due by {{opportunity.due_by_hrs}}.

Opportunity Details:

{{opportunity.title}} Link - {{opportunity.url}}

This is an automated reminder email from {{site_name}} {{site_URL}}

gobyrne commented 7 months ago

Work was completed in another issue