@passsy already added a workaround for the BackstackReader with AndroidX for #149.
However, with ProGuard enabled I encountered the following issue:
Fatal Exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method isInBackStack()Z in class Landroidx/e/a/d; or its super classes (declaration of 'androidx.e.a.d' appears in /data/app/de.memorian.gzg-Mcx2ZyPo55208bHcZq319Q==/base.apk)
at androidx.core.app.BackstackReader.isInBackStack(BackstackReader.java:23)
at net.grandcentrix.thirtyinch.TiFragment.isFragmentInBackstack(TiFragment.java:235)
at net.grandcentrix.thirtyinch.TiFragment.net.grandcentrix.thirtyinch.internal.TiFragmentDelegate.onDestroy_afterSuper(TiFragment.java:10204)
at androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManagerImpl.androidx.fragment.app.Fragment.performDestroy(FragmentManager.java:16699)
Adding a ProGuard rule
-keep class androidx.** { *; }
-keep class androidx.fragment.app.Fragment { *; }
fixed the problem.
We could add this ProGuard rule to the library ProGuard rules to avoid it for now.
@passsy already added a workaround for the
with AndroidX for #149.However, with ProGuard enabled I encountered the following issue:
Adding a ProGuard rule
-keep class androidx.** { *; }
resp.-keep class androidx.fragment.app.Fragment { *; }
fixed the problem.
We could add this ProGuard rule to the library ProGuard rules to avoid it for now.