GCX-HCI / ThirtyInch

a MVP library for Android favoring a stateful Presenter
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Bugfix: Lint Checks not Triggering #187

Open jreehuis opened 5 years ago

jreehuis commented 5 years ago


This PR will solve a couple of issues with the implemented Lint Checks for TI. 1) TI Lint Checks are not executed prior Build Tools 3.3 Caused by the lately increased the Build Tools version and so the Lint API Version while using com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.CURRENT_API as Lint Version. So the checks when marked as not compatible with the Build Tools used. 2) Check if provideView() is overridden always returns true Caused by the fact that this check was checking the whole inheritance tree and so found the implementation in the TI base classes. 3) Check if the View Interface is implemented did not check more than the direct super class

How to Test

Play with the following scenarios:


Testing Lint Checks in the Sample Project did not work reliably for me. This seems to be an Android Studio Issue as quite often an Invalidate Caches and Restart help. A commandline lint run were reporting the errors reliably.