GCX-HCI / ThirtyInch

a MVP library for Android favoring a stateful Presenter
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add testAttachView() extension function #194

Closed lukaszkalnik closed 4 years ago

lukaszkalnik commented 4 years ago

This adds a convenience extension function which reduces tests boilerplate. It is useful in typical tests where we always assume that the presenter has a view already attached and just want to test different presenter functions.

lukaszkalnik commented 4 years ago

Can someone please update the emulator? Thanks!

Bildschirmfoto 2019-07-25 um 14 57 25
StefMa commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure if this is the issue. But I'll investigate in it..

StefMa commented 4 years ago

I've fixed travis in #195. Please rebase your branch 👍