GCalToolkit / Sheets2GCal

Issue Tracker for Sheets2GCal Google Sheets Add-on
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start and end time set to all-day after updating the event #34

Closed tes36 closed 7 months ago

tes36 commented 7 months ago

When I create a new event with the “start time” and “end time” cells having values, the event is created with a start time and end time, it works fine.

If after that, I update the event, it becomes an all-day event.

But in the cells, it shows the start and end time, it is displayed as an all-day event in the calendar (with the all-day event checkbox set to true).

GCalToolkit commented 7 months ago

Are you saying that the event changes from a timed event to an all-day event in Google Calendar when you edit something else in the event using Sheets2GCal, even though you didn't remove the Start/End times?

tes36 commented 7 months ago

exactly that, on Sheets2GCal sheet it still appears START and END time but if I go to the calendar, it appears checked as an ALL-DAY event

GCalToolkit commented 7 months ago

If you only edit the Start and/or End times and update Google calendar from the Sheet does that work correctly? It sounds as though Sheets2GCal can't read the Start or End times when updating the event - are you sure that the Column header names haven't been changed?

tes36 commented 7 months ago

They haven't been changed

GCalToolkit commented 7 months ago

Thanks, I'll be testing this and your other issue this evening and will post back as soon as I have news.

GCalToolkit commented 7 months ago

I can't reproduce this problem - what are your settings for the Sheet's "locale" (in the Sheet Settings > General > Locale)? Also what is the Hour/Minute separator (usually a colon e.g 13:20) and when you double-click a "Start Time" does the separator change?

tes36 commented 7 months ago

Regional configuration is set to Spain, I've tried 13:20 and also 13:20:00

I can't reproduce it now. Also weekly events that were transformed to ALL DAY are actually set to TIMED events, so it's properly working.

GCalToolkit commented 7 months ago

Ok, I have no idea how that could have caused that but please let me know if it happens again!