GCalToolkit / Sheets2GCal

Issue Tracker for Sheets2GCal Google Sheets Add-on
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New events are not being created #38

Closed esossai closed 6 months ago

esossai commented 6 months ago

Hi, when i add new rows to the sheet with the column UPDATE checked for some reason it does not create new events. All rows are new events and it only says events updated (which is not the case) and none created.

GCalToolkit commented 6 months ago

Hi, there are a few possibilities:

Are the correct calendars listed in the "Import" sidebar? Did you edit the header (row 1) at all? Did you move the Delete or Update columns? Do you have at least a valid Title and start date?

If so, please email me directly with preferably a link to a copy of this Sheet (please delete any rows with private info) and I'll take a look.

esossai commented 6 months ago

HI , Yes all the coluns are there and never touched. Never edited any of the headers or move any column around.


Here is a copy of my sheets which is connected to my calendar, the data is real and nothing confidential there.

Its always the right calendar, normaly i run a full import and clean the worksheet and then i add the new events at the end and the sheet already flag them with the UPDATE CHECK, however they do new create new events.

GCalToolkit commented 6 months ago

I made a copy of that Sheet, linked it to one of my own calendars, deleted the Event ID data (and Guests ) and recreated all the existing events with no problems. I then added a new row and tried to update it - again, no problem. It seems that all the events in that Sheet have been successfully exported to Google Calendar, so could you please add a row to that sheet which fails to export? That way I can test with the exact same event data that you are using.

esossai commented 6 months ago

Could be the issue that i am always copying the columns from timezone onwards to all events i want to create? Because in this particular calendar the timezone, guests, etc is always the same info, i always copy the data to avoid having to enter all the guests one by one because they are always the same people.

Also in which column is the EVENT ID? I could not see that.

GCalToolkit commented 6 months ago

Yes, that's very likely to be the cause. The Event ID column is hidden by default so you'll have to click the little black double arrows just above row 1 to show it.

I don't know if copying data like that will also copy data in hidden columns... but the Event ID for a row must be empty so that Sheets2GCal knows that the row hasn't yet been exported Google Calendar.

Also, you can't just copy the guest data unfortunately because Sheets2GCal will currently only add guests if there's a comma separated list of email addresses, but I'll see if I can improve that.

esossai commented 6 months ago

Perfect. I will try to test that , probably it was copying all that data that was messing up the import. I will try and see if the copy was also messing up the event ID but probably yes.

If you could improve to add guests im sure other users would like that too.

GCalToolkit commented 6 months ago

Ok, let me know how that goes!

esossai commented 6 months ago

It WORKED LIKE CHARM. It was the copy of data because the Event ID was right there in the middle of the data i was copying from one row to another. Maybe if the EVENT ID was hidden as the first column for instance this would not have happened.

But i also tested creating new events and now i added one list of emails separated by comma on the guest column , and copy and past on the other rows and it also worked fine, created all the new events and added the guests. I just have to add the guests as a list like you siad. thank you.

GCalToolkit commented 6 months ago

Glad to hear that worked!

You can move the Event ID to column Z if you want; in fact you can move any column except "Delete" and "Update" which must be A and B.

You can also add your own columns, as long as they don't have the same names as those used by Sheets2GCal, and they aren't A or B.

esossai commented 6 months ago

Perfect, Thank you very much