GCalTools / Sheets2GCal

Issue Tracker for Sheets2GCal Google Sheets Add-on
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Cal wont sync to Sheets2GCal #17

Open alexa7fw opened 2 years ago

alexa7fw commented 2 years ago

I cannot get my google calendar to import reoccurring events to my sheets no matter which Sheets2GCal option I select. I have tried to re-link sheet, but did not work.

GCalToolkit commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the delay - there are a few possible reasons this might happen. Do non-recurring events import correctly, or none at all?

YvetteKlinkenberg commented 2 years ago

Having a similar issue: "Permission is required to run script": I've granted the app add-on all the permissions which was asked for

GCalToolkit commented 2 years ago

Hi, the most common cause of this error is a long-standing bug (10 years!) in Google's add-on system that causes the wrong Google account to be invoked if you are logged in with multiple accounts with Sheets add-ons, so the first thing to try is to make sure the "default" Chrome account (top-right in Chrome -> click your profile picture) is the one you are using with Sheets2GCal, or do everything in a separate Chrome profile / incognito window. If that still fails, please let me know.