GChristensen / enso-portable

Portable Enso Launcher community edition
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refresh specific script #36

Open tnmeesters opened 4 weeks ago

tnmeesters commented 4 weeks ago

Is it possible to refresh a specific script instead of every script in the commands folder? Refreshing has become slow with to many scripts.



GChristensen commented 4 weeks ago

It is theoretically possible, but requires a thorough rewrite of the Enso's scriptotron engine. It was written so that all evaluated symbols of all scripts are cleared before loading update from script files. Unfortunately, this is a task no of the foreseeable future.

tnmeesters commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, thanks. I do notice that the Enso editor does update and quite faster. Is there a way to update it like that. Having a script in ...\Enso.enso\commands\ like 'user' and update it with a command.

GChristensen commented 3 weeks ago

By default, changes in command files are tracked only in the editor commands. It is possible to track all files by enabling


in config.py or the configuration editor.

Unfortunately, currently it is impossible to speed up anything because all python symbols used in commands should be recreated.

tnmeesters commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you, I will try this.

tnmeesters commented 2 weeks ago

I'm running into a problem with updating the commands. I saw in the tutorial that using 'on_quasimode_start()' could solve this problem. But I don't know how to do that. I have the following example:

import os import json

def displayMessage(msg): import enso.messages enso.messages.displayMessage("


" % msg)

clipboard = [] clipboard = json.load(open("files/clipboard.txt")) validarguments = list(map(lambda x : x['name'], clipboard))

def cmd_add_clipboard(ensoapi, name): """ Add clip to clipboard """ seldict = ensoapi.get_selection()

if seldict.get('text'):
    text = seldict['text'].strip()
    clipboard.append({"name": name,"clip": text})
    json.dump(clipboard, open("files/clipboard.txt",'w'), indent=2)
    displayMessage("Creating new clip in clipboard...")
    displayMessage("Nothing was file selected")


def cmd_clipboard(ensoapi, subject): """ Paste from clipboard """

indexposition = next((index for (index, d) in enumerate(clipboard) if d["name"] == subject), None)
clip = clipboard[indexposition]['clip']



cmd_clipboard.valid_args = validarguments

With the following in the json file

[ { "name": "mail", "clip": "test@gmail.com" }, { "name": "phone", "clip": "1245" } ]

How should I use on_quasimode_start()?



GChristensen commented 2 weeks ago


It is possible in the same way as with the valid_args:

def cmd_test(ensoapi):

def my_func():

cmd_test.on_quasimode_start = my_func
tnmeesters commented 2 weeks ago


Sorry, I'm not able to get it to work with the .valid_args to be dynamic. I am able to load a list at starting quasimode but I don not know how to use for the input arguments.

import os
import json

def displayMessage(msg):
    import enso.messages
    enso.messages.displayMessage("%s " % msg)

def load_clips():
    clipboard = []
    clipboard = json.load(open(r"C:\Enso\files\clipboard.txt"))
    validarguments = list(map(lambda x : x['name'], clipboard))
    return validarguments

def cmd_non(ensoapi, subject):

cmd_non.on_quasimode_start = load_clips
#cmd_non.valid_args = load_clips

With the following in the json file

[ { "name": "mail", "clip": "test@gmail.com" }, { "name": "phone", "clip": "1245" } ]



GChristensen commented 2 weeks ago
import os
import json

def displayMessage(msg):
    import enso.messages
    enso.messages.displayMessage("%s " % msg)

def load_clips():
    clipboard = []
    clipboard = json.load(open(r"C:\Enso\files\clipboard.txt")))
    validarguments = list(map(lambda x : x['name'], clipboard))
    cmd_non.valid_args = validarguments
    return validarguments

def cmd_non(ensoapi, subject):

cmd_non.on_quasimode_start = load_clips
cmd_non.valid_args = load_clips()
tnmeesters commented 5 days ago

I have everything working. I was able to improve a lot of scripts thanks to this.

Thank you for everything.