GCuser99 / SeleniumVBA

A comprehensive Selenium wrapper for browser automation developed for MS Office VBA running in Windows
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Chrome Driver throws error when trying to open new tab in Incognito mode #56

Open GCuser99 opened 1 year ago

GCuser99 commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce:


    driver.OpenBrowser incognito:=True

    driver.NavigateTo "https://www.wikipedia.org/"
    driver.Wait 1000

    driver.Windows.SwitchToNew windowType:=svbaTab  'error happens here

Above results in "Failed to open new tab - no browser is open".

It doesn't happen with Edge - only Chrome.

Look similar to this bug report - I will need to report same to the Chrome Driver team...

EDIT: I submitted bug report here

EDIT: As of March, 2023, the same issue is happening for EdgeDriver as well. See bug report here.

6DiegoDiego9 commented 1 year ago

I can confirm all

GCuser99 commented 3 months ago

The Chrome and Edge WebDriver teams seem to be VERY SLOW fixing bugs. Here is a work-around until the bug is fixed:

'In Edge/Chrome, creating new windowType:=svbaTab while using incognito mode will throw an error
'instead of this:
'driver.Windows.SwitchToNew windowType:=svbaTab  'error happens here
'use this:
driver.ExecuteScript "window.open('', '_blank')" 'creates the new tab
driver.Windows.SwitchToByUrl("about:blank") 'switches to new tab
6DiegoDiego9 commented 3 months ago

I confirm that your workaround works on my system too