GCuser99 / SeleniumVBA

A comprehensive Selenium wrapper for browser automation developed for MS Office VBA running in Windows
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Updating IE Driver crashes Excel in Selenium's transition window for publishing new driver #69

Closed GCuser99 closed 1 year ago

GCuser99 commented 1 year ago

In the transition period when Selenium was publishing an updated IEDriverServer, SeleniumVBA detected the latest driver as being 4.8.0 before the driver was actually available (a relatively short period of time). The crash site was at the following line in DownloadAndInstallDriver:

'this crashes Excel when url=vbNullString
URLDownloadToFile 0, url, tmpInstallZipPath, 0, 0

Need to refactor so that SeleniumVBA does not get ahead of the available driver, and also set guardrail for condition where download url was not found.