GD399-OSD / library-identity

Starting place to collect and ideate wayfinding, materials, etc. for the Decker Library
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Use/Activate the former laptop lounge more effectively #13

Open bjornmeansbear opened 6 years ago

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago
devinhalladay commented 6 years ago

@KHurleyDesign said during class today that she wants to write a proposal by next week for how Decker can better utilize the downstairs laptop lounge.

Katie — For next week, can you please have a written proposal/a slide-based presentation/some form of proposal for what you are envisioning for this space? If you can provide visual things like mockups, designs, plans, etc, that would be amazing as well.

KHurleyDesign commented 6 years ago

For the space formerly known as the laptop Lounge I proposal several changes. First, make the space more visible, implement signage to show visitors at the library where the space is. Within the space itself, I propose that there be a place for students to write on a larger scale (a whiteboard, chalkboard wall etc.) the walls themselves could be a brighter color to make the space friendlier. Artwork or posters in the space would also be a pleasant addition, maybe this is a space where some of the posters about library resources go. Additionally, this could be a space for where some of the arts and craft supplies are or other activities that are in the upper floor of the library.

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

Would also need to factor in signage leading someone to the "laptop lounge" — how to fit this into the other signage projects.

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

Also, what is its new name? it isn't really laptop lounge with this idea "The Cave?"

(do we then need a shadow projector?????)

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

Is that space used for sleeping?

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

How to make the lightswitch noticeable/obvious?

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

What specifically does redoing the lounge activate based on the library philosophies/principles?

KHurleyDesign commented 6 years ago

library mock-up

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

Configuration diagrams?

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

Signage for light switch?

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

study carrels?