GD399-OSD / library-identity

Starting place to collect and ideate wayfinding, materials, etc. for the Decker Library
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Can the library somehow archive/catalog all the syllabi from every class at MICA? #4

Open devinhalladay opened 6 years ago

devinhalladay commented 6 years ago

After discovering the Open Syllabus Project (link in our Resources repo), I was really wondering why MICA's classes seem so closed in the curricular sense. There's very little discovery that goes on, and syllabi are not shared by professors with the rest of the school, even though a syllabus is a really valuable tool and resource for every student here.

Can getting the library to archive and catalog these syllabi, as physical copies and as digital documents, encourage more people to use the library by giving students the ability to scavenge through reading lists, learn more about past courses, and find out more about professors and their teaching philosophies?

This may be slightly outside the scope of this project but I wanted to propose it anyways.

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

great question. thinking about things like this are still probably helpful from the larger goals of the library and things that the "sub-brand" of the library can maybe tackle to be a center for MICA-y things? Keep em coming.

devinhalladay commented 6 years ago

I just sent Brockett an email asking if the department would consider supporting this initiative by encouraging or enforcing the submission of syllabi to the Decker Library. I'll update here when I receive a response! Otherwise, I'm going to begin drafting a loose proposal for this idea to submit to the library.

I'll create a new folder in this repo and the discussion over it can continue in this issue.

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

Every department and the academic affairs office do already collect every syllabus every year, so this happens anyway — adding that the library gets them seems useful for tons of reasons, and shouldn't have any friction other than just one more thing to be done… Probably a useful thing to immediately send to Heather actually.

bjornmeansbear commented 6 years ago

We're discussing this at our February 28th GD faculty meeting... I'll see what some of the faculty think of the idea.