GDATASoftwareAG / smartvmi

Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) for memory forensics and machine-learning.
MIT License
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README improvements #146

Open phip1611 opened 1 month ago

phip1611 commented 1 month ago

Hi there,

The README talks about smartvmi being "Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI) for memory forensics and machine-learning." and it consists of VmiCore and certain plugins.

Unfortunately, this says surprisingly little about this project. Don't get me wrong, but VMI is a niche with a lot of small, often hacky, solutions out there, most relying on patchsets, as the KVM-VMI project.

So, I'd like to ask for the answer to some questions, ideally baked into the README.

I recently started getting into VMI, also based on a publicly funded research project. VMI is a niche, often frustrating because of the patchsets and overall low engagement. I think if we together put resources into better documentation of what solutions currently exists in VMI space, what the limitatios and features are, we have a better chance in making VMI more main-stream - and eventually upstream something useful to Linux.

Thank you and schöne Grüße aus Dresden 👍🏻

rageagainsthepc commented 1 month ago

Hi @phip1611,

Originally we had planned to put a lot of effort into writing a thorough documentation because we feel the same way. The documentation around most VMI-related projects is usually lacking, so it is generally quite hard to get a foothold into VMI as a topic. Unfortunately, we did not get around to it because we got pulled off to other projects right after the research project. I'll try to answer your questions and perhaps I can extend our readme if time permits.

VMICore is a high level introspection tool and as such would be more comparable to e.g. DRAKVUF than to KVM-VMI. DRAKVUF is much more mature and has got a lot more features compared to VMICore. However, unlike DRAKVUF, VMICore is designed to be a hypervisor agnostic platform for plugins. This means that you can write your own VMI application without having to re-implement the logic for setting hidden breakpoints, for example. Your plugin should also be able to run on KVM-VMI and Xen without any modifications. Since we use libvmi to talk to the hypervisor API, we support everything libvmi supports (which is mainly Xen and KVM-VMI at the moment).

Regarding prerequisites: Since VMICore leverages libvmi it also inherits all its prerequisites (package dependencies, KVM-VMI...). VMICore itself has very few external dependencies. They are specified in the VMICore Readme.

I think I also saw your efforts on slack to get the ball rolling regarding KVMi upstream patches. Since our team tried this as well, let me share some insights:

I hope this helps at least a little bit. Feel free to ping me on slack if you still have questions.

phip1611 commented 3 weeks ago

One more follow-up question:

You say smartvmi leverages libvmi. I thought you are talking about But then, what is vmicore/src/lib/vmi and the resulting <dist>/lib64/ It seems to be completely distinct of "the libvmi" project?

I think that vmicore/src/lib/vmi links against libvmi but provides additional helpers/wrappers/glue code. At least it looks like that from a second glance. The naming is a little unfortunate/misleading tho :)

rageagainsthepc commented 3 weeks ago

As you can see in CMakeLists.txt, we checkout und build libvmi as part of the whole project. Right now it points to a fork instead of the upstream repo because some modifications haven't been merged yet.