GDD-Nantes / FedShop

Code for FedShop: The Federated Shop Benchmark
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Commented in Q02 #36

Closed momo54 closed 1 year ago

momo54 commented 1 year ago

In the q02 query, is it normal that this triple pattern is commented ??

     #?localProduct dc:publisher ?p .
==> /GDD/RSFB/experiments/bsbm/benchmark/evaluation/arq/q02/instance_5/batch_0/attempt_3/service.sparql <==
PREFIX bsbm-inst: <>
PREFIX bsbm: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX owl: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?label ?comment ?producer ?ProductFeatureLabel ?propertyTextual1 ?propertyTextual2 ?propertyTextu\
al3 ?propertyNumeric1 ?propertyNumeric2 ?propertyTextual4 ?propertyTextual5 ?propertyNumeric4  WHERE {
    VALUES ( ?bgp1 ) { ( <http://localhost:34202/sparql/?default-graph-uri=> ) }
    SERVICE ?bgp1 {
        # const bsbm:Product148328
        ?localProduct owl:sameAs bsbm:Product148328 .
        ?localProduct rdfs:label ?label .
        ?localProduct rdfs:comment ?comment .
        ?localProduct bsbm:producer ?p .
        ?p rdfs:label ?producer .
        #?localProduct dc:publisher ?p .
        ?localProduct bsbm:productFeature ?localProductFeature1 .
        ?localProductFeature1 owl:sameAs ?ProductFeature1 .
        ?localProductFeature1 rdfs:label ?ProductFeatureLabel .
        ?localProduct bsbm:productPropertyTextual1 ?propertyTextual1 .
    ?localProduct bsbm:productPropertyTextual2 ?propertyTextual2 .
        ?localProduct bsbm:productPropertyTextual3 ?propertyTextual3 .
        ?localProduct bsbm:productPropertyNumeric1 ?propertyNumeric1 .
        ?localProduct bsbm:productPropertyNumeric2 ?propertyNumeric2 .
        OPTIONAL { ?localProduct bsbm:productPropertyTextual4 ?propertyTextual4 }
        OPTIONAL { ?localProduct bsbm:productPropertyTextual5 ?propertyTextual5 }
        OPTIONAL { ?localProduct bsbm:productPropertyNumeric4 ?propertyNumeric4 }
mhoangvslev commented 1 year ago
  1. Initially, there was no mention of dc:publisher in the BSBM schema.
  2. However, it is mentioned in the specs and these triples are present in our data generation.
  3. I don't see the point of un-comment it because it's redundant to ?localProduct bsbm:producer ?p