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Styling of the Mentor Page Needed #211

Closed stevep2007 closed 5 years ago

stevep2007 commented 5 years ago

@Seguda has created the mentor page but has encountered a problem in completing it.

Her comment: I transferred all of the present mentor data in excel sheet to jeykll metadata. I used the exact same design as team page but it doesn't show all the data that David asks so we might need a new design if you think the page does not satisfy your expectations.I pushed the updates I worked on to Github, in your localhost URL should be (branch name is sgd_Dec28) I don't think I have enough experience to polish the design. Like I said, metadata is there just need a design to display required data. Then I can continue to add new mentors to the page.

Would you please modify the mentor page so that the entire mentor description is visable?

mcclaskiem commented 5 years ago

@stevep2007 Do you have the spec of what should be presented for each mentor that I can check against?