Not exactly what I was asking for. Thanks for changing "Buy Tickets" to "Tickets" for the two buttons on the top of the page. The Tickets section should have stayed unchanged. So basically, "Tickets" button jump to "Tickets" section where the "buy ticket" button is linked to Eventbrite.
Touches code in 6 places. I need to discuss with project maintainer. Because other bugs are hanging on changing this and may break tickets scroll from buttons above.
Not exactly what I was asking for. Thanks for changing "Buy Tickets" to "Tickets" for the two buttons on the top of the page. The Tickets section should have stayed unchanged. So basically, "Tickets" button jump to "Tickets" section where the "buy ticket" button is linked to Eventbrite.
Project Console: Hosting URL: Clives-MacBook-Pro:hoverboard seebe$ grep "buyTicket" -R . ./.temp/data/resources.json: "buyTicket": "Tickets", ./build/data/resources.json: "buyTicket": "Tickets", ./data/resources.json: "buyTicket": "Tickets", ./src/elements/drawer-block.html: {$ buyTicket $} ./src/elements/header-content.html:{$ buyTicket $}
./src/elements/tickets-block.html: {$ buyTicket $}
./src/elements/toolbar-block.html: {$ buyTicket $}
./src/elements/toolbar-block.html: {$ buyTicket $}