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Rewrite tool to make content in Python #184

Closed NathanLovato closed 4 years ago

NathanLovato commented 4 years ago

We have a bash script to help create new content, tools/ Using that limits what we can do, in particular, automating the insertion of tags or some properties in the created document. Python with the toml package seems like a more appropriate support for this kind of tool.

NathanLovato commented 4 years ago

How should the command work? I was thinking of how to make the tool useful considering all the cases we have.

I was thinking of supporting minimal typing and using fzf or some text interface to choose categories. For example: tutorial

Could use fzf (fuzzy finder) to give you a fuzzy list of directories and subdirectories in content/tutorial

Screenshot from 2020-05-29 14-49-25

But you can enter more options to create the content. tutorial godot/pcg --name "Rogue-like dungeons"

Would create content/tutorial/godot/pcg/rogue-like-dungeons/ with some toml metadata.

Maybe with the tags "godot" and "pcg" or "procedural generation". That's something we can maybe get from the archetype, provided we can walk directories upward.

NathanLovato commented 4 years ago

Here are some notes about what would be useful to have, as I'm working on the website now and having to create content: