GDX-X / PFS-BatchKit-Manager

Manage your PlayStation 2/PSX DESR HDD
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File Path does not allow previously mounted UNC/network paths to be used #57

Open AlphaWHH opened 3 months ago

AlphaWHH commented 3 months ago!PFS-BatchKit-Manager.bat#L1202

File Path does not allow previously mounted UNC/network paths to be used since the program runs under admin privileges and cannot access the previously mounted drives

The example code works for me and should require minimal edits to integrate it into the code base.

"%~dp0BAT\Diagbox" gd 06
"%~dp0BAT\Diagbox" gd 0f
echo Do you want to setup windows network file share?
ECHO  [1] Yes
ECHO  [2] No

"%~dp0BAT\Diagbox" gd 0f
CHOICE /C 12 /M "Select Option:"
  if !errorlevel!==1 (
  echo UNC PATH Example \\server\sharename
  set /p "UNCPATH=Enter the path where your PS2 Games are located:"
  if "!UNCPATH!"=="" set "UNCPATH="
  net use * "!UNCPATH!" /persistent:no
  net use
pause & (goto mainmenu)