GEGlobalResearch / DARPA-ASKE-TA1

ANSWER Project to demonstrate knowledge-driven extraction of scientific models from code and texts
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Deadlock #116

Open crapo opened 4 years ago

crapo commented 4 years ago

@kittaakos , we do have one issue that I don't expect has an easy fix. In the DialogAnswerProvider, you once changed, as I recall,
Display.getDefault().syncExec(() -> { to Display.getDefault().asyncExec(() -> {
warning of a potential deadlock. I think we've learned that if you move around the console window, as in move it to a different screen or change focus--not sure exactly what--it results in a deadlock between the getting a lock in the dialog window and getting a lock (?) for the console window, to which logging is going.

As I said, I don't expect an easy fix but thought I'd ask...

kittaakos commented 4 years ago

I'd highly recommend changing the way how we update the conversation. Related: