GELOG / adam-ibs

Ports the IBS/MDS/IBD functionality of Plink to Spark / ADAM
Apache License 2.0
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IBS Clustering outliers format #31

Closed iki-v closed 9 years ago

iki-v commented 9 years ago

Compléter Wiki avec le format de données IBS Clustering outliers format (partie 6).

Rq: merci de mettre le lien vers la documentation officielle.

karim73 commented 9 years ago

Où : n1 et n2 représentent l'offset des voisins les plus proches.

La commande genere un fichier de la structure suivante. ![IBS Outliers Class Diagram](;dir:LR/class/[NEAREST|FID: Family ID;IID: Individual ID;NN: Nearest neighbour level;MIN_DST: IBS distance of nth nearest neighbour;Z: MIN_DST converted to a Z score;FID2: Family ID of the nth nearest neighbour;IID2: Individual ID of the nth nearest neighbour;PROP_DIFF: Proportion of significantly different others])