GEMINI-Medicine / Rgemini

A custom R package that provides a variety of functions to perform data analyses with GEMINI data
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67 bigmark table1 #117

Closed loffleraSMH closed 4 months ago

loffleraSMH commented 4 months ago

Closes #67

I’ve implemented some enhancement for each render function to allow for additional user inputs that are passed to prettyNum, which enables additional formatting that can be useful when presenting large numbers (e.g., big.mark = “,” to add comma thousands separator). I’ve tested all render functions to check if the updated code produces the expected output (see screenshot below) and made sure that nothing breaks.

I also added a small bug fix for digits to be applied consistently to all outputs, including % missing.

The person reviewing the changes should perform some additional testing. The following code can be used as a starting point (you can comment/uncomment the different render functions to test each function's behavior):

gender <- c(sample(c("M", "F"), size = 99995, replace = TRUE), rep(NA, times = 5))
exposure <- sample(
  c("pre-pandemic", "pandemic", "post-pandemic"), 
  size = 100000, replace = TRUE
income <- c(rnorm(90000, mean = 70000, sd = 5000), rep(NA, times = 10000))
condition <- sample(
  c("DVT", "CVD", "DM", "Pneumonia", "Dementia", NA), 
  size = 100000, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.01, 0.20, 0.4, 0.35, 0.05, .01)
data <- data.frame(gender = gender, exposure = exposure, income = income, condition = condition)

  ~ gender + income + condition | exposure, 
  data = data, 
  render = render_cell_suppression.default, 
  digits = 2,
  big.mark = ",",
  #render.categorical = render_cell_suppression.categorical, # or: render_strict_cell_suppression.categorical,
  #render.continuous = render_cell_suppression.continuous
  #render.missing = render_cell_suppression.missing
  render.strat = render_cell_suppression.strat

Screenshot 2024-05-14 153132