GEMINI-Medicine / Rgemini

A custom R package that provides a variety of functions to perform data analyses with GEMINI data
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Add pre commit hooks #135

Open vaakesan-SMH opened 1 month ago

vaakesan-SMH commented 1 month ago

There are a few useful pre-commit hooks that should be run automatically on commit. They can be found in this example repository:

I would suggest starting off with styler, and then possibly other checks we think would be useful.

shijiaSMH commented 3 weeks ago

I recommend adding: spelling::spell_check_files() to do spell checks. The pro is this function can automatically produce line-by-line non-English vocabularies. The con is it returns all valid 'non-English' arguments, eg. adm, as a result, it's possible for developer to miss a typo embedded in a long list of 90% valid 'non-English' arguments.

shijiaSMH commented 3 weeks ago

This out-of-box pre-commit-hooks repo look interesting, saving the link here: