GEMScienceTools / gmpe-smtk

Python and OpenQuake-based Toolkit for Analysis of Strong Motions and Interpretation of GMPEs
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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first test using gmpe-smtk fails #110

Closed funkes closed 4 years ago

funkes commented 4 years ago

As a newbie I try to create a figure like fig.4.1 from "Scaling of GMPEs with respect to magnitude". The installation of openquake and gmpe-smtk worked well, the python code fills the parameters for the plotting calls well, but one plotting call is finished immediately without result or error message.

Some data to my system:

here my tested code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import smtk.trellis.trellis_plots as trpl
import numpy as np
import smtk.trellis.configure as rcfg
# Import the get_available_gsims function from OpenQuake
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim import get_available_gsims
# Show list of gsims

gmpe_list = ["AkkarBommer2010", "AkkarCagnan2010", "AkkarEtAlRjb2014", "BooreAtkinson2008", "ChiouYoungs2008", "ZhaoEtAl2006Asc"]

imts = ["PGA", "SA(0.2)", "SA 1.0)", "SA(2.0)"]

rupt1 = rcfg.GSIMRupture(magnitude = 3.0, dip = 10.0, aspect = 1.5, rake = 90.0, ztor = 10.0, strike = 5.0, hypocentre_location = (0.5, 0.5))

sites_mesh = rupt1.get_target_sites_mesh(maximum_distance = 200.0, spacing =2.0, vs30 =800.0, vs30measured = True, z1pt0 = None, z2pt5=None)

rupt1.plot_distance_comparisons("rjb", "rrup", filename="rup_dist_plot.pdf", filetype="pdf")

trpl.DistanceIMTTrellis.from_rupture_model(rupt1, gmpe_list, imts, filename="distance_IMT_trellis.pdf", filetype="pdf")

File rup_dist_plot.pdf looks well, and a nice picture is popping up, but file distance_IMT_trellis.pdf is missing.

Should I add further info? Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

funkes commented 4 years ago

Changing last line to

a = trpl.DistanceIMTTrellis(magnitude, distances, gmpe_list, imts, params, distance_type="rjb", plot_type="loglog", figure_size=(7,5), filename="/home/thomas/Documents/Forschungsseminar/trellis_test_distance_output", filetype="png")


solved this more formal problem.