Had a request that includes both a node at EG-bbn (exogeni.net:bbnvmsite+authority+am) and one at EG-SM (exogeni.net+authority+am). objects.py thought the urn for the eg-sm matched its own URN so allocated that node. The reverse was not true:
02/12 15:53:20 DEBUG objects.py:2435 request URN 'urn:publicid:IDN+exogeni.net' is for this AM (matches 'urn:publicid:IDN+exogeni.net:bbnvmsite+authority+am')
but later for the exosm:
02/12 15:53:53 DEBUG objects.py:2435 request URN 'urn:publicid:IDN+exogeni.net' is for this AM (matches 'urn:publicid:IDN+exogeni.net+authority+am')
Aggregate <Aggregate gpo-eg>
02/12 15:54:38 DEBUG stitchhandler.py:3077 (User requested)
02/12 15:54:38 DEBUG stitchhandler.py:3089 An Orca Aggregate
02/12 15:54:38 DEBUG stitchhandler.py:3094 Alternate URL: https://geni.renci.org:11443/orca/xmlrpc
Aggregate <Aggregate eg-sm>
02/12 15:54:38 DEBUG stitchhandler.py:3077 (User requested)
02/12 15:54:38 DEBUG stitchhandler.py:3089 An Orca Aggregate
02/12 15:54:38 DEBUG stitchhandler.py:3091 The ExoSM Aggregate
02/12 15:54:38 DEBUG stitchhandler.py:3092 URN synonyms: [u'urn:publicid:IDN+exogeni.net+authority+cm'](u'urn:publicid:IDN+exogeni.net+authority+am',)
Imported from trac ticket #779, created by ahelsing on 02-12-2015 at 16:34, last modified: 02-15-2015 at 15:31
Had a request that includes both a node at EG-bbn (exogeni.net:bbnvmsite+authority+am) and one at EG-SM (exogeni.net+authority+am). objects.py thought the urn for the eg-sm matched its own URN so allocated that node. The reverse was not true:
Imported from trac ticket #779, created by ahelsing on 02-12-2015 at 16:34, last modified: 02-15-2015 at 15:31