GENIE-MC / Generator

The popular GENIE Generator product is used by nearly all accelerator neutrino experiments and it plays a key role in the exploitation of neutrino data. The Generator implements a modern software framework and it includes state-of-the-art physics modules. It captures the latest results of the GENIE global analysis of neutrino scattering data and includes several tunes that were produced using the proprietary Comparisons and Tuning products. The GENIE physics model is universal and comprehensive: It handles all neutrinos and targets, and all processes relevant from MeV to PeV energy scales. The Generator includes several tools (flux drivers, detector geometry navigators, specialized event generation apps, event reweighting engines) to simulate complex experimental setups in full detail and to support generator-related analysis tasks.
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Assertion `fUseSplines' failed #272

Closed chy-learn closed 1 year ago

chy-learn commented 1 year ago

Hi,I have a strange problem.I used GHE19_00b tune to generate the cross-section data beforehand. When I try to use " gevgen -n 100 -e 100000 -p 14 -cross-sections ./xsec_all.xml --seed 171872 -t 1000080160[0.48],1000060120[0.12],1000200400[0.4] --tune GHE19_00b_00_000" I got this "gevgen: GEVGDriver.cxx:456: void genie::GEVGDriver::CreateXSecSumSpline(int, double, double, bool): Assertion `fUseSplines' failed" But I've already verified that the cross section data for the three elements already exists.Why are errors reported?