Open Birdaper opened 1 year ago
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'LHAPDF::ReadError' what(): Info file not found for PDF set 'NNPDF31sx_nlo_as_0118_LHCb_nf_6'
is the relevant bit. This is saying that your LHAPDF installation of PDFsets doesn't have that file set
Are you getting your setup using UPS (and have CVMFS). If so, try:
export PRODUCTS=${PRODUCTS}:/cvmfs/ setup pdfsets v6_3_0a -q genie
otherwise if you have just have CVMFS available try:
export LHAPDF_DATA_PATH=/cvmfs/${LHAPDF_DATA_PATH} export HEDIS_SF_DATA_PATH=/cvmfs/ export PHOTON_SF_DATA_PATH=/cvmfs/
If you're using UPS you might be interested in the pre-existing spline:
export PRODUCTS=${PRODUCTS}:/cvmfs/ setup genie_xsec v3_02_00 -q GHE1900a00000
which has the
Precomputed splines for free nucleons for tunes GHE19_00a or GHE19_00b. They include the follwing channels: HEDIS, GLRES, HENuEl, PhotonRES, PhotonCOH. For the PhotonCOH we also include nuclei (1000080160,1000110230,1000120240, 1000130270,1000140280,1000190390,1000200400,1000220480,1000260560,1000280580)
I'm no expert on the GHE setup, so I don't know whether this is sufficient for your particular needs, but it might be.
@Birdaper if none of those are options, then you need to track down the PDFset that it's looking for and install it locally and set LHAPDF_DATA_PATH to point at the directory holding it. The official sets are located here:
Though I can't seem to locate that set on the official page any more...
As a final option you could download the tarball here:
which has the UPS setup I described above. Untar it and set the LHAPDF_DATA_PATH to the directory holding NNPDF31sx_nlo_as_0118_LHCb_nf_6
Trying to generate splines with GHE19_00a : 'gmkspl -p 16 -t 1000080160 -n 100 -e 10000000 -o mysplines_O_100.xml --tune GHE19_00a_00_000' It's aborted after the following warnings :
Can someone tell me how to solve this ?