GENIE-MC / Generator

The popular GENIE Generator product is used by nearly all accelerator neutrino experiments and it plays a key role in the exploitation of neutrino data. The Generator implements a modern software framework and it includes state-of-the-art physics modules. It captures the latest results of the GENIE global analysis of neutrino scattering data and includes several tunes that were produced using the proprietary Comparisons and Tuning products. The GENIE physics model is universal and comprehensive: It handles all neutrinos and targets, and all processes relevant from MeV to PeV energy scales. The Generator includes several tools (flux drivers, detector geometry navigators, specialized event generation apps, event reweighting engines) to simulate complex experimental setups in full detail and to support generator-related analysis tasks.
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Aborted when using GHE19_00a_00_000 in gmkspl #273

Open Birdaper opened 1 year ago

Birdaper commented 1 year ago

Trying to generate splines with GHE19_00a : 'gmkspl -p 16 -t 1000080160 -n 100 -e 10000000 -o mysplines_O_100.xml --tune GHE19_00a_00_000' It's aborted after the following warnings :

1681206808 WARN Algorithm : [n] <Algorithm.cxx::FindConfig (157)> : No Configuration available for genie::EventGeneratorListAssembler/Default at the ConfigPool 1681206808 NOTICE Rndm : [n] <RandomGen.cxx::SetSeed (84)> : Setting default random number seed at random number generator initialization: 65539 1681206808 WARN XSecSplLst : [s] <SplineExists (109)> : No splines for tune GHE19_00a_00_000 were found! 1681206808 WARN XSecSplLst : [s] <NSplines (291)> : No splines for tune GHE19_00a_00_000 were found! 1681206808 WARN HEDISStrucFunc : [n] <HEDISStrucFunc.cxx::HEDISStrucFunc (55)> : Base directory: /home/qyy001/qyy/Generator/data/evgen/hedis-sf 1681206808 WARN HEDISStrucFunc : [n] <HEDISStrucFunc.cxx::HEDISStrucFunc (69)> : SF are (or will be) in following directory: /home/qyy001/qyy/Generator/data/evgen/hedis-sf/GHE19_00a_00_000 1681206808 WARN HEDISStrucFunc : [n] <HEDISStrucFunc.cxx::HEDISStrucFunc (90)> : Good news! Directory already exists. 1681206808 WARN HEDISStrucFunc : [n] <HEDISStrucFunc.cxx::HEDISStrucFunc (91)> : Precomputed SF stored in that directory will be used terminate called after throwing an instance of 'LHAPDF::ReadError' what(): Info file not found for PDF set 'NNPDF31sx_nlo_as_0118_LHCb_nf_6' Aborted (core dumped)

Can someone tell me how to solve this ?

nusense commented 1 year ago


terminate called after throwing an instance of 'LHAPDF::ReadError'
what(): Info file not found for PDF set 'NNPDF31sx_nlo_as_0118_LHCb_nf_6'

is the relevant bit. This is saying that your LHAPDF installation of PDFsets doesn't have that file set

Are you getting your setup using UPS (and have CVMFS). If so, try:

export PRODUCTS=${PRODUCTS}:/cvmfs/
setup pdfsets v6_3_0a -q genie

otherwise if you have just have CVMFS available try:

export HEDIS_SF_DATA_PATH=/cvmfs/
export PHOTON_SF_DATA_PATH=/cvmfs/

If you're using UPS you might be interested in the pre-existing spline:

export PRODUCTS=${PRODUCTS}:/cvmfs/
setup genie_xsec v3_02_00 -q GHE1900a00000

which has the

 Precomputed splines for free nucleons for tunes GHE19_00a or GHE19_00b.
 They include the follwing channels: HEDIS, GLRES, HENuEl, PhotonRES, PhotonCOH.
 For the PhotonCOH we also include nuclei (1000080160,1000110230,1000120240,

I'm no expert on the GHE setup, so I don't know whether this is sufficient for your particular needs, but it might be.

nusense commented 1 year ago

@Birdaper if none of those are options, then you need to track down the PDFset that it's looking for and install it locally and set LHAPDF_DATA_PATH to point at the directory holding it. The official sets are located here:

Though I can't seem to locate that set on the official page any more...

As a final option you could download the tarball here: which has the UPS setup I described above. Untar it and set the LHAPDF_DATA_PATH to the directory holding NNPDF31sx_nlo_as_0118_LHCb_nf_6