GENIE-MC / Generator

The popular GENIE Generator product is used by nearly all accelerator neutrino experiments and it plays a key role in the exploitation of neutrino data. The Generator implements a modern software framework and it includes state-of-the-art physics modules. It captures the latest results of the GENIE global analysis of neutrino scattering data and includes several tunes that were produced using the proprietary Comparisons and Tuning products. The GENIE physics model is universal and comprehensive: It handles all neutrinos and targets, and all processes relevant from MeV to PeV energy scales. The Generator includes several tools (flux drivers, detector geometry navigators, specialized event generation apps, event reweighting engines) to simulate complex experimental setups in full detail and to support generator-related analysis tasks.
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Dynamic coupled channels model by Toru Sato #292

Open idkakorin opened 1 year ago

idkakorin commented 1 year ago

The DCCSPPPXSec and DCCSPPXSec algorithm are implemented. They are working for neutrinos and charged leptons.

Now, the following commands are valid: gmkspl -p 11L -t 1000000010 -n 30 -e 100 -o out.xml --tune DCC22_00a_00_000 --- calculates cross section for massless left polarized electron on neutron; gmkspl -p 11R -t 1000000010 -n 30 -e 100 -o out.xml --tune DCC22_00a_00_000 --- calculates cross section for massless right polarized electron on neutron; gmkspl -p 11 -t 1000000010 -n 30 -e 100 -o out.xml --tune DCC22_00a_00_000 --- calculates cross section for massive electron on neutron; gmkspl -p 12 -t 1000000010 -n 30 -e 100 -o out.xml --tune DCC22_00a_00_000 --- calculates cross section for electron neutrino on neutron;

The helicity of massless lepton is added to the class genie::InitialState.

DCCSPPPXSec:XSec(const Interaction * i, KinePhaseSpace_t k) calculates: $\frac{d^2\sigma}{dWdQ^2}$ when k = kPSWQ2fE; $\frac{d^3\sigma}{dWdQ^2d\cos\theta\pi}$ when k = kPSWQ2ctpfE; $\frac{d^4\sigma}{dWdQ^2d\cos\theta\pi d\phi\pi}$ when k = kPSWQ2ctpphipfE, where $\theta\pi$ and $\phi_\pi$ are polar and azimuthal angles of final pion in the resonance rest frame.

The single pion production reaction is defined by enumeration in SppChannel.h which was extended for charged lepton case.

idkakorin commented 1 year ago

There is a small logic mistake.

I would also ask to add a markdown file in


to describe the content of the file: units, what it is, link to papers/authors of the file etc. Whatever information we can about it.

All links and authors, can be found in the appropriate header file. The table with amplitudes are used "as is", provided by author. I am not author of this theory, I think all information can be found in the papers, cited in header file.