GENL / matice

Use your Laravel translations in JavaScript.
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Updating Language using Inertia.js cause error #9

Closed bernardinosousa closed 3 years ago

bernardinosousa commented 3 years ago

Expected behavior

When changing language should change language

Current behavior

Error when changing language and not working

Snippet calling setLocale <b-dropdown-item v-for="locale in $locales()" :key="locale" @click="$setLocale(locale)">{{ upperCase(locale) }}</b-dropdown-item>



import {__, setLocale, getLocale, transChoice, MaticeLocalizationConfig, locales} from "matice"

    methods: {
        $__: __,
        $transChoice: transChoice,
        $setLocale: (locale) => {
          this.$forceUpdate() // Refresh the vue instance after locale change.
        // The current locale
        $locale() {
            return getLocale()
        // A listing of the available locales
        $locales() {
            return locales()

const app = document.getElementById('app');

 * Next, we will create a fresh Vue application instance and attach it to
 * the page. Then, you may begin adding components to this application
 * or customize the JavaScript scaffolding to fit your unique needs.

new Vue({
    render: (h) =>
        h(InertiaApp, {
            props: {
                initialPage: JSON.parse(,
                resolveComponent: (name) => require(`./Pages/${name}`).default,



GENL commented 3 years ago

Hi! which version of vue are you using? It seems like it is a vuejs issue. Is the mixin properly registered?

bernardinosousa commented 3 years ago

Hello! Vue.js - 2.6.12

GENL commented 3 years ago

How do you import vue? The error indicates that "this" is undefined, which is abnormal for a vue2 app,

GENL commented 3 years ago

It works well for me:

import Vue from 'vue'
import {InertiaApp, plugin} from '@inertiajs/inertia-vue';
// @ts-ignore
import {InertiaForm} from 'laravel-jetstream'
import {__, trans, transChoice, setLocale, locales, getLocale, MaticeLocalizationConfig} from "matice"


  methods: {
    $trans: trans,
    $__: __,
    $transChoice: transChoice,
    // @ts-ignore
    $setLocale(locale: string) {
      this.$forceUpdate() // Refresh the vue instance after locale change.
    // The current locale
    $locale() {
      return getLocale()
    $locales() {
      return locales()

const root = document.querySelector('#app');

app = new Vue({
  // @ts-ignore
  render: (h) =>
    // @ts-ignore
    h(InertiaApp, {
      props: {
        // @ts-ignore
        initialPage: JSON.parse(,
        // @ts-ignore
        resolveComponent: (name: string) => require(`./Pages/${name}`).default,
  // @ts-ignore
bernardinosousa commented 3 years ago

The error is not happening on app.js but inside Pages Vue file.

Snippet calling setLocale

<b-dropdown-item v-for="locale in $locales()" :key="locale" @click="$setLocale(locale)">{{ upperCase(locale) }}</b-dropdown-item>

GENL commented 3 years ago

Do not use arrow function in your mixing because this will not reference your vue component. So replace:

$setLocale: (locale) => {
          this.$forceUpdate() // Refresh the vue instance after locale change.


$setLocale(locale: string) {
      this.$forceUpdate() // Refresh the vue instance after locale change.