GENZITSU / UsefulMaterials

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weekly useful materials - 06/01 - #101

Open GENZITSU opened 1 year ago

GENZITSU commented 1 year ago

システム障害の自動原因診断 / SRE NEXT 2022





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システム障害の自動原因診断 / SRE NEXT 2022

GENZITSU commented 1 year ago

Lessons From Deploying Deep Learning To Production




I used to think that machine learning was about the models. Actually, machine learning in production is about pipelines. One of the best predictors of success is the ability to effectively iterate on your model pipeline

in research and prototyping stages, the focus is on building and shipping a model. But as a system moves into production, the name of the game is in building a system that is able to regularly ship improved models with minimal effort. The better you get at this, the more models you can build!


  • Uncover problems in the data or model performance
  • Diagnose why the problems are happening
  • Change the data or the model code to solve these problems
  • Validate that the model is getting better after retraining
  • Deploy the new model and repeat


Set Up A Feedback Loop



Leverage domain-specific feedback loops. When available, these can be very powerful and efficient ways of getting model feedback. For example, forecasting tasks can get labeled data “for free” by training on historical data of what actually happened, allowing them to continually feed in large amounts of new data and fairly automatically adapt to new situations.


Set up a workflow where a human can review the outputs of your model and flag when an error occurs. The most common way this occurs is when customers notice mistakes in the model outputs and complain to the ML team


The most general (but difficult) solution is to analyze model uncertainty about the data it is running on. A naive example is to look at examples where the model produced low confidence outputs in production. This can surface places where the model is truly uncertain, but it’s not 100% precise.




Lessons From Deploying Deep Learning To Production

GENZITSU commented 1 year ago

adversarial training.pptx

過学習の抑制手法として活用されているadversarial trainingの近年の手法がまとめられている。

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adversarial training.pptx

GENZITSU commented 1 year ago

Happywhale 1st place solution




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1. sub-center ArcFace with Dynamic margins のDyanmic marginをoptunaで最適化

sub-center ArcFace with Dynamic margins はGoogle Landmarkコンペの上位解法として用いられいたもので、Sub-center ArcFace: Boosting Face Recognition by Large-scale Noisy Web Faceという論文で提案されたもの。


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このk個分の深みはデータセットの規模が大規模になることで出現するノイズに対応するために導入されたもの inter class の違いと intra classの違いの両方を考慮できる点でノイズに強くなるっぽい

However, this is not true especially when the dataset is in large scale. How to enable ArcFace to be robust to noise is one of the main challenges


the proposed sub-center ArcFace loss can automatically cluster faces such that hard samples and noisy samples are separated away from the dominant clean samples.

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dynamic margin とは各個体ごとに統一的なmarginを使うのではなく、各個体の母数に従って、marginを調整すること


# from

           margins_id = np.power(id_class_nums, cfg.margin_power_id) * cfg.margin_coef_id + cfg.margin_cons_id
            margins_species = (
                np.power(species_class_nums, cfg.margin_power_species) * cfg.margin_coef_species
                + cfg.margin_cons_species


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2. ArcFace headの学習率をbackboneの学習率の10倍に設定する

Setting the learning rate of the head 10 times bigger than the learning rate of the backbone significantly improved the performance.

Optimal training settings of us differed possibly due to slight differences in our pipelines. While I trained the models for 30 epochs by AdamW optimizer of lr_backbone=1.6e-3 with warmup cosine annealing scheduler, charmq trained the models for 20 epochs by Adam of lr_backbone=1e-4 with cosine annealing scheduler.

Most of the models were trained with the batch size of 16-32 on 2-8x NVIDIA Tesla V100 (32GB).

ちなみにarc faceを訓練する際に、一つの画像の反転画像を負例とするテクニックがあるらしいが今回のコンペではデータの特性上適さないと判断して、使用しなかったとのこと

In the last competition, it was reported that handling flipped images as different classes significantly enhanced the performance. In this competition, we did not think that this technique works well because some images are taken from different angles. To handle this issue, we adapted the sub-center ArcFace of k=2 with the usual flip data augmentation.

またheadにいれるneckについては、backbone特徴量の後ろ二つの特徴量にGeM poolingをかけた後にBatchNormを変えたものの性能が良かったとのこと

Using GeM pooling (p=3) instead of GAP enhanced the performance. The normalization layer before the ArcFace head was important. Batchnorm was slightly better than Layernorm in our experiments. In addition to the final feature map of the backbone, we used the second final feature map to capture more local information. We simply concatenated those two GeM-pooled feature maps and passed them to head.

3. 特徴量生成器の学習に入力するbboxをランダムに変更する


we randomly mixed several bboxes with the ratio of fullbody:fullbody_charm:backfin:detic:none=0.60:0.15:0.15:0.05:0.05.

Especially, combining backfin bbox to train data significantly improved the performance possibly because it enhances the robustness to images that only contain backfins.

Adding non-cropped images by a small ratio also worked as a regularization. For test data, we took the mean of predictions between fullbody and fullbody_charm.


# from

A.Affine(rotate=(-15, 15), translate_percent=(0.0, 0.25), shear=(-3, 3), p=0.5),
A.RandomResizedCrop(image_size[0], image_size[1], scale=(0.9, 1.0), ratio=(0.75, 1.3333333333)),
A.GaussianBlur(blur_limit=(3, 7), p=0.05),
A.RandomGridShuffle(grid=(2, 2), p=0.3),

4. 近傍探索に特徴量のKNNとlogitsを用いる


This is probably caused by highly imbalanced data and the distribution differences between train and test (knn is more likely to output classes with more train data). To mitigate this, we mixed the prediction of knn and logit with knn_ratio=0.5. After pseudo labeling, we increased the knn_ratio to 0.8.

Two-round pseudo label

pseudo labelを2 round重ねて行うことで、性能がかなり向上したとのこと

On the day before the deadline, we got a big boost in the leaderboard score (0.88589/0.85959 -> 0.89343/0.87062) by a pseudo-label submission. The second round of pseudo labeling on the final day also improved the score (0.89680/0.87579).



  • input 4-channel images with segmentation mask (1st place solution of the last competition) input rectangle images such as (512, 1024) ConvNeXt Swin Transformer (384 was too small) dolg

dolgとなこの論文のことで、明示的にglobal featureとlocal featureを分けて取り扱うことを目指したものらしい

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この分野初めてだったので非常に勉強になった。 このコードがめちゃくちゃ綺麗かつ読みやすいので、今後参考にしていきたい。


GENZITSU commented 1 year ago

Happywhale 金圏解法雑感 ②~⑥


2nd place solution

efficientnet_l2 worked the best in validation

loss = Arcface with adaptive margin

augmentation = Horizontal flip, RandAugment

複数回のpseudo labeling

We use FC layer prediction ((logits * scale).softmax(-1)) of trained models to generate pseudo labels. The confidence threshold was set to 0.8. Following are the leaderboard scores of each round. We used flip testing starting round3.

gradient checkpointを用いてバッチサイズを稼ぐ

To train efficientnet_l2 on RTX3090, gradient checkpoint is a must. With gradient checkpointing and mixed precision, we could train the network with batch_size 16 on a single RTX3090. Without it, even batch size 2 gives OOM.

gradient checkpointとはこのブログによると, GPUのメモリを圧迫しないようにbackpropを行う際に、必要となる入力値を保持しておき、必要になった時に都度計算するテクニックのこと

During the forward pass, PyTorch saves the input tuple to each function in the model. During backpropagation, the combination of input tuple and function is recalculated for each function in a just-in-time manner, plugged into the gradient formula for each function that needs it, and then discarded. The net computation cost is roughly that of forward propagating each sample through the model twice.

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In the latest master branch of timm, gradient checkpointing is available.

学習の早いdocker imageの選定

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3rd place solution 3rd place solution ②

human in the loopなデータセット作成

Next, we used the trained detector to predict on the entire training set and labeled images that either their box score is less than 0.4 or their number of boxes is not equal to one. Finally, the well-labeled training set was used to train the whale body detector again.

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For images that contain multiple bboxes, we first cropped those boxes and get their embeddings, and then computed the cosine similarity with training set. If the cosine distance is greater than 0.5, we chose the closest box as the salient target, else, we chose the target that has the highest detection score.

backbone: tf_efficientnet_b7_ns/tf_efficientnet_b6_ns imagenet pretrained backbone: eca_nfnet_l2, imagenet pretrained

feature space constraint backbone -> gempooling -> bnn-neck -> arcface(s=30, m=0.3) or adaface(m=0.3, h=0.333,s=30, t_alpha=0.01)

BNNeck(batch normalization)はperson reidで効果のある手法

Because Arcface only measures cosine Angle, the feature space does not carry on the distance constraint. Therefore, we use BNNeck to shape the feature space and increase the difficulty of feature distinction, as result alleviating the over-fitting.



we found that many individual distinctions highly rely on texture differences. Therefore, we believe that sharpening and grayscaling can make the model increases the impact of texture and reduce the dependence on color.

# from

aug8p3 = A.OneOf([
        ], p=0.5)

args['transform'] = {
    'train': A.Compose([
        A.ShiftScaleRotate(rotate_limit=15, scale_limit=0.1, border_mode=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT, p=0.5),
        A.Resize(size, size),
        A.ColorJitter(brightness=0.1, contrast=0.1, saturation=0.1),

    'val': A.Compose([
        A.Resize(size, size),

iterativeなpseudo labeling

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Step 1: 'body' data is used to train the model. After multi-fold model stacking, pseudo labels are obtained on the test set with the high threshold value. Train the 'body' again and iterated twice.

Step 2: We further use the pseudo-labels from step 1 to train part and body models, then do the stacking ensemble. The ensembled model is then used to get new pseudo labels by setting a relatively low threshold.

ふたつのensemble方法 一つはembeddinをconcatするやつ

ckpt merge: For same fold, we get embeddings by backbone -> gempooling -> bnn-neck -> norm(feature), then different model' embs are concated channelwise ([batchsize, 512] -> [batchsize, n*512]). After that, we search the threshold and get single fold submits


submit merge: By following simple-ensemble, we ensemble and rerank different folds.

4th place

human in the loopなデータ作成

We started by using this public notebook's predictions as labels. Then visualize examples with low OOF confidence. If the predicted bbox are wrong, remove this example from training set, or fix the ground truth bbox. We iterate this for 9 rounds. In the end, most OOF predictions look correct. The OOF iou = 0.93863.

Dynamic Margin ArcFace + convnext + DOLG

The architecture is Dynamic Margin ArcFace with DOLG CNN backbone. The dynamic margin arcface was introduced by us in last year's Landmark, see detail here. The DOLG was introduced to the Kaggle community by @christofhenkel in this year's Landmark, see detail here.


The final six models are ConvNext Base, Large, XLarge, EfficientNet B7, V2L, NFNet L2.

この解法ではsub center arcfaceはあまり聞かず、vision transformerも効果を発揮しなかったとのこと

Other components of the top landmark solutions didn't work here though, including sub center arcface, and vision transformers. All the vision transformers underperform CNNs. The best CNN in our solution is ConvNext.


predicting both individual_id and species.

augmentationを弱め (+mixupをやっている)

    A.RandomContrast(limit=0.2, p=0.75),
    A.ShiftScaleRotate(shift_limit=0.0, scale_limit=0.3, rotate_limit=10, border_mode=0, p=0.7),
    A.HueSaturationValue(hue_shift_limit=20, sat_shift_limit=30, val_shift_limit=20, p=0.5),

pseudo labelを得るために結構なensembleを行っている

  1. Tune everything on 5 fold. i.e. train on 80% of training data per fold, "sacrificing" some individual_ids in order to do cross validation.
  2. Ensemble 9 fold models to make pseudo labels.
  3. Train 6 best models on 100% training data + pseudo labeled test data
  4. Make new pseudo labels from step 3 ensemble
  5. Repeat step 3-4 for two more rounds
  6. Ensemble the 12 models from last two rounds.

6th place solution


I used the full body and back fin data created by Jan. And I also used the results of training the detector using Jan's annotations. there were two different boxes for each fullbody / backfin. I also used data with a slightly larger box.


Tensorflow All models are connected to dolg and arcface. Dynamic margins were equally accurate with or without. Both were used. efficientnet v1: 5 / 6 / 7 / l2 efficientnet v2: l / xl convnext: l / xl


pytorch All models are connected to arcface.(without dolg, without dynamic margins) convnext :xl efficientnet: l2 swintransformer: large384 (image size was 768) I used a fairly heavy augmentation.

ensembleはfeature mapをconcatする方法で実施

I compared the similarity of the concated feature map between train and test. The dimension of the final feature map exceeded 20,000. Different thresholds were used to determine new individual id for each species.

Pseudo labelが効いたとの繰り返し実施

By using pseudo labeling, I can see not only the train but also the similarity to the confident test set. by repeating pseudo labeling multiple times, I was able to improve the score little by little.


psedo labelがかなり重要なコンペであったことが伺える。
データセットをhuman in the loopに作るのってもはや実務じゃねと思ったりしなかったり。



GENZITSU commented 1 year ago

Happywhale 金圏解法雑感 ⑦ ~


7th place solution


スクリーンショット 2022-05-27 10 09 18

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  • horizontal flip
  • random pixel based augmentation (brightness, contrast, HSV)
  • cutout

EFFNets + DOLG +Curricular Face と EFFNets with Curricular Faceを利用 (B5, B6, B7)

We used a combination of DOLG (with EFFNet backbone) and normal EFFNets with CurricularFace loss.


We also used multiple heads in all the models: one for species classification and another for individual classification. Species classification head was trained with normal softmax loss while the individual classification head was trained with CurricularFace loss.

ensemble したモデルによるpsuedo labelで訓練を実施

All the models were trained on psuedo labelled data from our best ensemble.


During inference we also use hflip as TTA.

各サンプルのconfidenceを閾値変化にrobustにするために以下のような特徴を作ってxgb/lgbmなどをensembleして最終的なconfidenceを生成 (詳細なコードはdiscussionのQ&Aに記載)

We trained a 5 folds XGB and LightGBM models on the above features and used a ensemble of their predicitons as final confidence scores.

  • species probabilites for each image_id
  • top3 nearest distances for each (image_id, unique individual_id) pair present in the candidates
  • distance of each image_id from centroid of each unique individual_id present in the candidates
  • rank of each unique individual_id present in the candidates
  • sum of top3 neighbor distances
  • OOF predictions

confidence scodeを用いたensembleを利用

We used simple weighted voting approach using the confidence scores obtained from above where the weights were optimized using 5 fold OOFs.

8th place solution (, )


I've labeled by hand 1k train images, train Yolo, verify by hand 3k images and train final result with 4k labeled images. There are two classes: dorsal fin and full body.


The idea -- we have two datasets: dorsal fins and bodies, Let's train it together with kind of different heads

Pseudo labelの利用 十分に強い検出器の上位60%の予測を用いて1回目のpseudo labelを作成、そのご、teamでensembleして上位70%の予測を利用

I have two iterations, from submit ~840 I took 60% top predictions, got around 830 solo model score. The second iteration after team merge, from submut ~860 I took 70% top predictions (around 15k image).


Best backbones: dm_nfnet_f6, efficientnet_l2_ns, Loss: AMSoftmax aka CosFace (no different in score with ArcFace), m=0.35 and s=25-30 Embedding size: 4096 Augmentation: Horizontal flip, blur; increasing amount of augmentation decreased my metrics


Species classification. Our last big improve -- thresholds based on species,


All my models are effnet-b7 AMSoftmax with scale=35 and margin=0.35.

AMSoftmaxはタイポではなくそういう手法がある。AMSoftmax, [Additive Margin Softmax for Face Verification] (


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In this paper, we assume that the norm of both Wi and f are normalized to 1 if not specified

一つの画像から複数回cropしてきてfeature spaceを構築する

I exploit only one key idea: one embedding space for all representaion of each image. It means I take several crops for each image and just add them as new images.

image.jpg, individual_id1 (full frame)
body.jpg, individual_id1 (body crop)
fin.jpg, individual_id1 (fin crop)
detc.jpg (detic.crop)

full body, fin, full frameにわけて学習

I make two datasets with shared individual_ids: in first dataset there were only body crops, and in second dataset only fin crops. So, for one individual there could be body and fin in separate images. If there were no detected objects on frame, I simply took full frame to the batch.

モデルはOSNetというperson re-idのモデルを改造したものと、efficientnets b4, 5, 6を利用

I started with experiments on classic small person re-identification model OSNet. I add a small modification to this model - channel attention from this awesome paper. Despite that this architecture is very small, it can reach a competitive performance compare with the even bigger efficientnets_(b4,b5,b6).

画像サイズは大きい方がよく、embedding sizeもデカ目

On that experiments I ended up with 600-800px image size and 2046-4096 feature size. Looks like the big images were critical here.


In this competition I try many losses, such as am-softmax, arcface, adacos end other CE-based losses. The best choice for me was AM-Softmax with m=0.35 and S=30.


I make two separate losses - one for body samples and second for fin samples. The final loss was a mean of this two losses. During the inference for each test sample I predict features for fin and body and make mean feature for them. This approach works better than single body or fin feature.


Augs: RandomBrightnessContrast, ColorJitter, IAAAdditiveGaussianNoise, GaussNoise, Blur, MotionBlur, ShiftScaleRotate, HorizontalFlip


スクリーンショット 2022-05-27 14 10 35

10th place solution, ブログ

fullbodyとbackfin, image sizeを分けて学習し、種別によって使用する特徴量を変更

I trained 2-type(fullbody/backfin) models with image sizes 512 or 784 for the specices with backfin -> use concatenated embeddings by fullbody models and backfin models for the specices without backfin (like Beluga, …) -> use embeddings by fullbody models


In my experiments, EfficientnetV2 > EfficientnetV1 ≧ ConvNext, but ensembling them boosted my CV/LB scores.


And I concatenated outputs of conv-layers before pooling layer, and then forward this to the neck of the model. This also works well.


Loss = ArcfaceLoss + FocalLoss + SpeciesLoss

Manifold mixupの利用

mixup the embeddings (not images) and Arcface with soft label worked (CV:+0.003-0.005)

# from

class ArcFaceLossAdaptiveMarginMixup(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, margins, s=30.0):
        # 省略

    def forward(self, logits, labels, perm, coeffs): 
        perm: permutated index in batch by using mixup  
        coeffs: soft-labels by using mixup 
        ms = []
        ms = self.margins[labels.cpu().numpy()]
        cos_m = torch.from_numpy(np.cos(ms)).float().type_as(logits)
        sin_m = torch.from_numpy(np.sin(ms)).float().type_as(logits)
        th = torch.from_numpy(np.cos(math.pi - ms)).float().type_as(logits)
        mm = torch.from_numpy(np.sin(math.pi - ms) * ms).float().type_as(logits)

        perm_labels = labels[perm]
        perm_ms = self.margins[perm_labels.cpu().numpy()]
        perm_cos_m = torch.from_numpy(np.cos(perm_ms)).float().type_as(logits)
        perm_sin_m = torch.from_numpy(np.sin(perm_ms)).float().type_as(logits)
        perm_th = torch.from_numpy(np.cos(math.pi - perm_ms)).float().type_as(logits)
        perm_mm = torch.from_numpy(np.sin(math.pi - perm_ms) * perm_ms).float().type_as(logits)

        logits = logits.float()
        cosine = logits
        sine = torch.sqrt(1.0 - torch.pow(cosine, 2))

        # original label
        labels2 = torch.zeros_like(logits)
        labels2.scatter_(1, labels.view(-1, 1).long(), 1)
        phi = cosine * cos_m.view(-1, 1) - sine * sin_m.view(-1, 1)
        phi = torch.where(cosine > th.view(-1, 1), phi, cosine - mm.view(-1, 1))

        # perm label
        perm_labels2 = torch.zeros_like(logits)
        perm_labels2.scatter_(1, perm_labels.view(-1, 1).long(), 1)

        # fix perm labels for not double-count the same labels 
        perm_labels2 = perm_labels2 - torch.logical_and(perm_labels2, labels2).int()

        perm_phi = cosine * perm_cos_m.view(-1, 1) - sine * perm_sin_m.view(-1, 1)
        perm_phi = torch.where(cosine > perm_th.view(-1, 1), perm_phi, cosine - perm_mm.view(-1, 1))

        # get index with no label
        with_no_label = 1 - (labels2 + perm_labels2 > 0).type_as(logits)

        output = (labels2 * phi) + (perm_labels2 * perm_phi) + (with_no_label * cosine)
        output *= self.s

        loss = self.crit(output, labels, perm_labels, coeffs)

        return loss


1~5 epoch: increase coefficient of margins linearly from 0.2 to 1 6~20 epoch: coefficient of margins = 1 (That is, this function is equal to original-dynamic margins)

pseudo labelで学習したモデルをオリジナルのデータでfine tuning

At first, I trained models on pseudo-label, and then trained on original training dataset using this pretrained weights.

11th place solution


I use labelimg for annotating whales. this annotation tool can export yolo format. Finally, we annotated 5800 images.


img size: 1280 YOLOV5x6 BS8 SyncBN 6 Fold 6fold models + WBF -> Filter top 1box

WBFとはWeighted Box Fusionでこのブログが詳しい

スクリーンショット 2022-05-27 14 32 37

identificaiton部分, SwinやConvNextはあまり効かなかったとのこと

EfficientNet B5/B6/B7/V2S/V2M/V2L/V2XL ArcFace Pseudo labeling(Multi-step, Threshold) ensemble using concat(32000dim). a single model is about 0.805. I split 100folds for training.

Siamene Networkを用いたre score

Before prediction, We use Siamese Network for top20 Siamese Network trained pair is the same identity or not. Siamise Network ourput is here image1.jpg, image2.jpg, 0.99(same confidence) image1.jpg, image3.jpg, 0.94 image1.jpg, image4.jpg, 0.12 we sum similarity matrix(embedding) + siamese network matrix

It's achieved Public 0.881/Private 0.853





GENZITSU commented 1 year ago

【DL輪読会】Which Shortcut Cues Will DNNs Choose? A Study from the Parameter-Space Perspective

DNNでしばしば発生する、画像分類の際に物体ではなく背景で分類を行ってしまうなどの本質的ではない情報を用いた分類、shortcutがどのような情報を優先的に利用するかを考察した論文 @ICLR2022


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【DL輪読会】Which Shortcut Cues Will DNNs Choose? A Study from the Parameter-Space Perspective

GENZITSU commented 1 year ago

Top2Vec: Distributed Representations of Topics



  • Automatically finds number of topics.
  • No stop word lists required.
  • No need for stemming/lemmatization.
  • Works on short text.
  • Creates jointly embedded topic, document, and word vectors.
  • Has search functions built in.


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スクリーンショット 2022-05-27 23 40 07

スクリーンショット 2022-05-27 23 40 14

スクリーンショット 2022-05-27 23 40 22




GENZITSU commented 1 year ago

圧縮アルゴリズムZstandardを導入しバッチ処理時間を短縮 データ鮮度を改善した話

zip, gzipよりも効率的なzstdライブラリの検証をしている2018年の記事。



# from
$ zstd fileName
# => fileName.zst が生成されます

# アーカイブもしたい場合
$ tar -cf dirName.tar.zst --use-compress-program=zstd dirName 
# もしくは
$ tar -c dirName | zstd  > dirName.tar.zst
# from

$ zstd -d fileName.zst

# 展開もしたい場合
$ tar -xf dirName.tar.zst --use-compress-program=zstd  
# もしくは
$ zstd -dc dirName.tar.zst |tar -x  


スクリーンショット 2022-05-30 23 52 58




圧縮アルゴリズムZstandardを導入しバッチ処理時間を短縮 データ鮮度を改善した話

GENZITSU commented 1 year ago

Python Standard Library changes in recent years

Python 3.8 - 3.10になって新しくなった標準ライブラリの挙動が列挙されている。


python 3.9から標準となった str.removeprefix(), str.removesuffix()

# from

s = "Python is awesome"

s.removeprefix("Python is ")
# 'awesome'

s.removesuffix(" is awesome")
# 'Python'

python 3.10から追加されたzipの厳格化

# from

keys = ["Diane", "Bob", "Emma"]
vals = [70, 78, 84, 42]

pairs = zip(keys, vals)
# [('Diane', 70), ('Bob', 78), ('Emma', 84)]

pairs = zip(keys, vals, strict=True)
# ValueError: zip() argument 2 is longer than argument 1


# from

from dataclasses import dataclass

class KeywordPerson:
    id: int
    name: str

diane = KeywordPerson(id=11, name="Diane")
# ok
diane = KeywordPerson(11, "Diane")
# TypeError: KeywordPerson.__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 3 were given


# from

import functools
import statistics

class Dataset:
    def __init__(self, seq):
        self._data = tuple(seq)

    def stdev(self):
        return statistics.stdev(self._data)

dataset = Dataset(range(1_000_000))

# kinda slow

# blazingly fast


# from

import glob
import os

# '/'

glob.glob("*", root_dir="/usr")
# ['local', 'share', 'bin', 'lib', 'sbin', 'src']


  • dist() calculates the Euclidean distance between points (3.8+);
  • perm() and comb() count the number of permutations and combinations (3.8+);
  • lcm() computes the least common multiple (3.9+);
  • gcd() now computes the greatest common divisor for an arbitrary number of arguments (3.9+).
  • And prod() multiplies the sequence elements (3.8+):


# from

import datetime as dt
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo

utc = dt.datetime(2022, 9, 13, hour=21, tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc)
# 2022-09-13 21:00:00+00:00

paris = utc.astimezone(ZoneInfo("Europe/Paris"))
# 2022-09-13 23:00:00+02:00

tokyo = utc.astimezone(ZoneInfo("Asia/Tokyo"))
# 2022-09-14 06:00:00+09:00

sydney = utc.astimezone(ZoneInfo("Australia/Sydney"))
# 2022-09-14 07:00:00+10:00


いつの間にかアップデートされてる機能が多々あって驚いた。 zoninfoとかは結構便利そう


Python Standard Library changes in recent years